Al capone kindness quote -

Al capone kindness quote

Al capone kindness quote - opinion

Anyone who challenges the House of Rockefeller is persona non grata throughout the establishment". This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the "crack" capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America - and provided the cash and connections needed for L. It is one of the most bizarre alliances in modern history: the union of a U. The army's financiers - who met with CIA agents before and during the time they were selling the drugs in L. Unaware of his suppliers' military and political connections, "Freeway Rick" turned the cocaine powder into crack and wholesaled it to gangs across the country. Drug cash for the contras Court records show the cash was then used to buy equipment for a guerrilla army named the Fuerza Democratica Nicaraguense Nicaraguan Democratic Force or FDN, the largest of several anti-communist groups commonly called the contras. While the FDN's war is barely a memory today, black America is still dealing with its poisonous side effects. Urban neighborhoods are grappling with legions of homeless crack addicts. Thousands of young black men are serving long prison sentences for selling cocaine - a drug that was virtually unobtainable in black neighborhoods before members of the CIA's army brought it into South-Central in the s at bargain-basement prices. al capone kindness quote

Al capone kindness quote Video

Batter Up - The Untouchables (3/10) Movie CLIP (1987) HD al capone kindness quote

Barkin and his best friend Itchy Itchiford escape from the dog pound and return to their casino riverboat on the bayouformerly run by Charlie himself and his business partner, Carface Caruthers. Refusing to share the profits with Charlie, Carface had been responsible for Charlie and Itchy getting committed to the pound and persuades Charlie to leave al capone kindness quote with half of the casino's earnings. Charlie agrees, al capone kindness quote is later intoxicated and killed by a car pushed downhill by Carface and his assistant, Killer. Charlie is sent to Heaven by default despite not having done any good deeds in his life; a whippet angel explains to him that because dogs are inherently good and loyal, all dogs go to Heaven and are entitled to paradise.

Charlie cheats death by stealing a gold pocket watch representing his life and winding it back. As Charlie descends back to Earth, the whippet angel tells him that he can never return to Heaven; when the watch stops again, he will be sent to Hell instead. However, as long as the watch continues to run, Charlie will be immortal.

After Charlie reunites with Itchy and plots revenge in the form of a rivaling business, they discover that Carface has kidnapped a young orphaned girl named Anne-Marie for her ability to al capone kindness quote to animals, which proves advantageous when betting on races. Charlie rescues her and promises to feed the poor and help her find a family. The next day at the race track, Charlie steals a wallet from a couple as they talk to Anne-Marie and become alarmed by her ragged appearance. qulte

al capone kindness quote

Charlie and Itchy use their winnings to build a successful casino in the junkyard where they live. Anne-Marie, upon realizing that she has been used, threatens to leave.

al capone kindness quote

To persuade her to stay, Charlie brings pizza to a family of poor puppies and their mother, Flo, at an abandoned church. While there, Hobbes vs locke essay becomes angry at Charlie for stealing the wallet.

As Charlie has a nightmare in which he is condemned to Hell, Anne-Marie returns the wallet to the couple, Kate and Harold. While they privately discuss adopting her, Charlie arrives and tricks her into leaving with him. Charlie and Anne-Marie narrowly escape an ambush by Carface and Killer and hide in an abandoned building, but the ground breaks and they fall into the lair of King Gator, a giant effeminate alligator. He and Charlie bond over a love of music and he lets them go, but Anne-Marie contracts pneumonia. Carface and his thugs destroy Charlie's al capone kindness quote and attack Itchy.

An injured Itchy limps back to the kindnesss and confronts Charlie about his relationship with Anne-Marie, who Itchy thinks matters more than him. In his exasperation, Charlie loudly proclaims that he is using her and will eventually "dump her in an orphanage". Anne-Marie overhears the conversation and kindnness runs away before she is kidnapped by Carface. Charlie follows them to Carface's casino, where he is ambushed by Carface and his thugs. They fight with Charlie, inadvertently setting an oil fire that soon engulfs the whole structure.

Charlie's pained howls from their bites summon King Gator, who chases down and devours Carface. In the chaos, both Anne-Marie and the al capone kindness quote fall into the water.

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Unable to rescue both at the same time, Charlie rescues Anne-Marie and places her onto some driftwood and pushes her toward safety; however, the watch stops before he can reach it, ending his life, so Killer finishes pushing her to shore, where Kate and Harold are waiting with police and medical personnel. Charlie, having sacrificed himself to save Anne-Marie, has earned back his place in Heaven, and is allowed to return al capone kindness quote ghost form to reconcile with Anne-Marie. Leaving Itchy in her care, Charlie returns to, where Carface finally arrives and takes his own clock, vowing revenge against King Gator.

As the whippet angel chases him and warns against using it, Charlie assures the audience that "he'll be back" before winking and retrieving his halo. Voice cast Burt Reynolds as Charlie B. Barkin, a brash German Shepherd and a former con artist.

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The character was designed specifically with Reynolds in mind for the role and the animators mimicked some of his mannerisms. Judith Barsi as Anne-Marie, a 7-year-old orphan girl with the ability to talk to and understand animals. Her singing voice was performed by Lana Beeson. This was Barsi's final film role before her murder in The ending credits song "Love Quoe was dedicated in her memory as her character became absent in the further franchise.]

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