Aristophanes satire -

Aristophanes satire aristophanes satire

The Transformation Of Dionysius In The Frogs

In his time people were only just beginning to write aristophanes satire at all; Herodotus, the "father of history," was his close contemporary. They had begun to record really great events; but it had not occurred to them that the life of any individual was worth all the trouble of tracing out and writing down. Biography of a sort began about two generations afterwards, when the disciples of Aristotle and Epicurus exerted themselves to find out and record aristophanex aristophanes satire of their masters.

But biography in our sense—the complete writing of a life year by year with dates and documents—was never practised at all in antiquity.

The Satire Of Lysistrata And The Athenian Coupe Of 411 Bc ( Ruffell )

They are different one from p. Ancient "Lives" as a rule select a few great deeds, a few great sayings or discourses; they concentrate upon the last years of their subject and often especially upon his aristophanes satire. The dates at which various eminent men of antiquity died are well known. The man was then famous and his death was a memorable event.

aristophanes satire

But—except in a aristophanes satire aristocratic states, like Cos, which records the actual birthday of the great physician Hippocrates—no baby was eminent and not many young men. Very few dates of birth are known; and in the case of almost all the famous men of antiquity their early histories are forgotten and their early works lost. So it is with Euripides. History in later antiquity was chiefly a branch of belles lettres and made no great effort after exactness. As a rule it aristophanes satire itself with the date at which a man "flourished," a very rough conception, conventionally aristophanes satire either by the time when he did his most memorable work or the year when he reached the age of forty.

In the first place there was no generally accepted era from which to date; and even if there had been, the numerical system, before the invention of Arabic ciphers, was as confused as English spelling is at the present day, and made it hard to do the simplest sums.

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So the ordinary educational plan was to group events together in some scheme that might not be quite exact but was calculated to have some symbolic interest and to stay in the memory. For instance, the three great tragedians were grouped together round the Aristophanes satire arsitophanes Salamis, the great triumph of the Persian Wars in B.

Aeschylus fought among the heavy-armed infantry. Sophocles danced in a choir of boys to celebrate the victory, and Euripides was born in Salamis on the day of the battle. We do not know the origin of this pleasant fable; but we have another date given in a very ancient chronicle called the Parian Marble, which was found in the island of Paros in the seventeenth century and was composed in the year B. It puts the birth of Euripides in B. In some aristophqnes aristophanes satire MSS. A few of the oldest notes in them come from Alexandrian scholars who lived in the second century B. Others date aristophanes satire Roman times, in the first few centuries of the Christian era; others from the eleventh century and even later. And among them there is a quite ancient document called Life and Race of Euripides.

aristophanes satire

It is anonymous and shapeless. Sentences may have been added or omitted by the various people who at different times have owned or aristophanes satire the MSS. But we can see aristophaness it is derived from early sources, and notably from a "Life" which was written by one Satyrus, a writer of the Peripatetic or Aristotelian school, towards the end of the third century B. Fragments from the same source have been detected in the Latin authors Varro and Gellius; and it has influenced the biographical notice in the ancient Click here lexicon of Suidas tenth century A.

Suidas used also another earlier and better source, the Attic Chronicle aristophanes satire Philochorus. Philochorus was a careful and systematic p.

aristophanes satire

His main work was to record all that affected Athens—history, myths, festivals and customs, but he also wrote various special treatises, one of which was On Euripides.]

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