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Cerebellum little brain

Cerebellum little brain Video

I ❤️ my cerebellum (anatomy) cerebellum little brain

The cerebellum and its functional multiplicity and heterogeneity have been objects of curiosity and interest since ancient times, giving rise to the urge to reveal its complexity. Particularly in childhood, the cerebellum may subserve several age-dependent functions, which might be compromised in several Central Nervous System pathologies.

cerebellum little brain

Overall, cerebellar damage may produce numerous signs and symptoms and determine a wide variety of neuropsychiatric impairments already during the evolutive age. Therefore, an early assessment in children would be desirable to address a prompt diagnosis and a proper intervention since the first months of life.


Here we provide an overview of the cerebellum, retracing its morphology, histogenesis, and physiological functions, and finally outlining its involvement in typical and atypical development and the age-dependent patterns of cerebellar dysfunctions. Throughout cerebellum little brain, many prominent personalities, as recently discussed by Voogd and Koehlerhave learn more here trying to reveal the cerebellum complexity cerebellum little brain achieve a better understanding of this peculiar structure. Between andHolmes provided a thorough description of neurological signs and symptoms deriving from cerebellar lesions, such as disturbances of muscle tone hypotonia and voluntary movement, static tremor, asthenia and fatigability, astasia, vertigo, disturbances of ocular movements and nystagmus, abnormal speech, and reflexes Holmes, Innovations on the morphology and functionality of the cerebellum were continuously achieved throughout the 20th century, leading progressively to the currently accepted notions such as the division in 10 lobules, cerebellym proposed by Ljttlethe functional subdivision into a medial, an intermediate, and a lateral zone Dow and Moruzzi,and cerebellar prominent involvement, not only in sensorimotor functions, but also in cognitive, social and behavioral areas Roostaei et al.

The cerebellum is located in the posterior cranial fossa. It is separated, anteriorly, from the pons and the medulla oblongata by the fourth ventricle, and, superiorly, from the cerebrum by the Tentorium Cerebelli an invagination of the dura mater.

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It globally presents two faces: the superior one is convex, crossed by the superior vermis and shows, laterally, the upper surfaces of the two cerebellar hemispheres; the inferior one is allocated in the posterior cranial fossa and presents a depression, in whose depth the inferior vermis is placed. A roughly ellipsoidal circumference separates these two faces, and opens anteriorly in the hilum of the cerebellum, from which the three cerebellar peduncles superior, middle, and inferior emerge. These latter cerebellum little brain the structures through which the afferents and efferences of the cerebellum pass and reach their targets Voogd, ; Cattaneo, ; Roostaei et al. The cerebellum surface is globally composed of numerous parallel leaflike subdivisions, called folia Voogd and Glickstein,giving it an onion-like cerebellum little brain. Two main transversal fissures the fissura prima, anteriorly, and the horizontal fissure, posteriorly delineate three main lobes the anterior lobe, the posterior lobe, and the flocculonodular lobeeach one subdivided in lobules Figure 1 ; Larsell, ; Manni and Petrosini, Besides, considering the medio-lateral perspective, the cerebellum presents a central part, the vermis, and two lateral cerebellar hemispheres.

Both the anterior and posterior lobes contain a part of the vermis and of the two hemispheres. The medial zone vermis and the intermediate ones paravermis form the spinocerebellum, so called because of the sensorimotor afferents coming from the spinal cord. Figure 1.

What is the cerebellum?

Schematic representation of cerebellar gross anatomy. Anterior-posteriorly, the cerebellum presents three lobes anterior, posterior, and flocculo-nodulareach one subdivided in lobules. Medio-laterally, it is composed of a central part the vermisand two lateral ones cerebellar hemispheres.

cerebellum little brain

Cerebellum little brain and paravermial zones form the spinocerebellum, so-called since it communicates with the spinal cord; the most lateral zones of the hemispheres constitute the cerebrocerebellum, in connection with the cerebral cortex. Finally, in regard to phylogenesis, the cerebellum can be cerebrllum into three parts: the archicerebellum the most ancient one, corresponding to the vestibulocerebellumpaleocerebellum and neocerebellum.

Overall, on a phylogenetical basis, it is possible to distinguish among three parts: the archicerebellum, the paleocerebellum and the neocerebellum Figure 1 ; Manni and Petrosini, It https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/negative-impacts-of-socialization-the-positive-effects/mexico-culture-articles.php also involved in equilibrium, ocular movements, and vestibulo-ocular reflex regulation.

The medial zone nodulus primarily controls the axial musculature, while the lateral parts floccules are mostly involved in eye pursuit movements and hand-eye coordination Manni and Petrosini, ]

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