Declaration of rights of women -

declaration of rights of women

March is a Human Rights Month in South Africa, in recognition of the sacrifices by ordinary men and women, for the attainment of political freedom in However, it is concerning that for women and girls, by virtue of their gender, human rights are still elusive. Human rights define the value and declaration of rights of women of each person and their relationship to government and society. Many women have no voice; they are violated in their homes, in the public sphere, including their places of work. By virtue of their gender, women and girls have not enjoyed their human rights, as seen from the escalating GBVF, exclusion from leadership positions in most sectors of society. Although all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, many women struggle daily to have their most basic rights protected. Human rightslaw and declaration of rights of women norms While human rights exist as a birth-right, to be effective they need to be supported by law and a culture that embraces diversity and equity across all social identities.

The South African government has demonstrated its commitment to address the human rights of women through legislation and financial commitments. There are also various initiatives that seek to see more the Gender-Based Violence pandemic, including the Gender-Based Violence and Femicide National Strategic Plan, the inter-ministerial committee to investigate the root causes of violence against women and children, the National Child Care and Protection Forum and the National Domestic Violence inter-sectoral committee, among others. Legislation alone has not been enough to drive the desired change.

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A deliberate and consistent attempt to change social norms is what will bring the sustainable change. The latter is more difficult to attain. Fixing failures of systems in our society The truth is that we can have as many bills, irghts, conventions and partnerships as we want, but sustainable progress is not possible unless we fix failures of systems in our society so that women have equal access to opportunities and their rights are respected in all aspects of their lives. Otherwise human rights will be more a dream than reality. So why is it difficult to deliver human rights for women?

Historical Process

GBVF can be directly linked to the unequal distribution declraation power and to the asymmetrical relationships between men and women in our society, perpetuating patriarchy, toxic masculinity and the devaluation of women and their expected subordination to men. Socialisation of boys and men Gender is socially constructed, it is a cultural declaration of rights of women, underpinned by behaviours which are learned and therefore can be unlearned. That is why society has an important role in the socialisation of boys and girls, from families, schools, church, amongst other agents of change.

With the same process and through the same agents, everyone, particularly men and boy children can be taught behaviour deemed appropriate for their gender or just for humanity.

Individual Signatories

Deconstructing social, cultural structures The most urgent need is to deconstruct the social and cultural structures that permit the power of male domination and the continued subordination of women expressed through beliefs that women are inferior to men and that it is acceptable to discipline women and girls with beatings, threats or coercion. Raising awareness about the benefits of equality across different social identities, including gender, and addressing stigma and victim-blaming attitudes in cases of GBV, should be a priority for og family and community.

Improving declaratiln situation for survivors and their access to services, respectfully and confidentially granting non-discriminatory access to services and not blaming them for what happened, when those to blame are the perpetrators, should be declaration of rights of women priority. As a nation we need healing. Only a sick nation kills its children and its women. Accountability and recourse, while essential for the perpetrators, this has to be followed by healing intervention for all those that are affected by GBVF.

Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights

That has the power to stop the circle of violence. Services should be comprehensive to cover health needs, psychological, legal support and economic empowerment, regardless of the background and the circumstances of the incident. After the formation of the Solidarity Fund to help rigts COVID initiatives, the GBF Fund 1 is another collaboration between the public and private sector which raised more than Rmillion, in pledges from business, at its launch at the beginning of February The task is too big for one group. Now more than ever, there is a need for broad mobilisation by civil society to urge the eradication of GBVF. Gender-based violence, all forms of sexual harassment and exploitation, and inequality are incompatible with human dignity and must be eliminated.

Women are the pillar of society, children are its future, rghts their rights is protection of the declaration of rights of women of any society and human dignity. Contact us.]

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