Declaration of the rights of man and citizen author -

Declaration of the rights of man and citizen author Video

Today In History: Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen declaration of the rights of man and citizen author.

Noah Webster Jr. October 16, — May 28, was an American lexicographertextbook pioneer, English-language spelling reformerpolitical writereditor, and author. He has been called the "Father of American Scholarship and Education". His "Blue-backed Speller" books taught five generations of American children how to spell and read. Webster's name has become dexlaration with "dictionary" in the United States, especially the modern Merriam-Webster dictionary that was first published in as An American Dictionary of the English Language.

He passed the bar examination after studying law under Oliver Ellsworth and others, but was unable to find work as a lawyer. He found some financial success by opening a private school and writing a series of educational books, including the "Blue-Backed Speller". A strong supporter of the American Revolution and the ratification of the United States ConstitutionWebster later criticized American society for being in need of an intellectual foundation. He believed that American nationalism was superior to Europe because American values were superior. He became a prolific author, publishing newspaper articles, political essays, and

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He returned to Th in and served in the Connecticut House of Representatives. Webster founded the Connecticut Society for the Abolition of Slavery in but later became somewhat disillusioned with the abolitionist movement. The following year, he started working on an expanded and comprehensive dictionary, finally publishing it in He was very influential in popularizing certain spellings in the United States.

He was also influential in establishing the Copyright Act ofthe first major statutory revision of U. While working on a second volume of his dictionary, Webster died inand the rights to the dictionary were acquired by George and Charles Merriam. Webster was born in the Western Division of Hartford which became Hartford, Connecticut to an established family.

His father Noah Webster Sr. Webster's father never attended college, but he was intellectually curious and prized education. Webster's mother spent long hours teaching her children spelling, mathematics, and music. Years later, he described the teachers as the "dregs of humanity" and complained that the instruction was mainly in religion.

At age fourteen, his church pastor began tutoring him in Latin and Greek to prepare him for entering Yale College. His four years at Yale overlapped the American Revolutionary War and, because of food shortages and the possibility of British invasion, many of his classes had to be held in other towns.

Webster served in the Connecticut Militia. His father had mortgaged the farm to send Webster to Yale, but he was now on his own and had nothing more to do with his family. Webster lacked career plans after graduating from Yale inlater writing that a liberal arts education "disqualifies a man for business". He quit to study law.]

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