German characteristics -

German characteristics

Think, that: German characteristics

German characteristics 619
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german characteristics

Characterixtics black german gerkan It has only a few differences compared to what we could call a common German dog and on many occasions it can be confused with some kind of mixture between breeds or also as another completely different germaan. The black German sheepdog as he is also known, german characteristics pretty uniforman excellent german characteristics capacity and a very pleasant temperament that makes it a great companion both for the family and at work, since they work very well as police dogs or as support dogs for people with disabilities.

The black German shepherd is a charming animal, with a here tender look and an exceptional character. Yes indeed, it is a dog that cannot lead a sedentary lifebecause otherwise it would link be strange for him to have behaviors that you would not like; for example, a bored black sheepdog might bark for no reason, or smash things just to try to burn off energy. To know him better, we are going to tell you what its physical characteristics are :.

Generally, the black German shepherd is known to show the typical appearance of the breed. They are slightly larger than common German Shepherds and their fur can be both long and short. There may be a chance that if the German Shepherd is not completely black he may still german characteristics the gene and have Black German Shepherd puppies, however this does not happen with their relatives, the White German Shepherd or the Swiss Shepherd.

Like its closest relatives, the black sheepdog is an animal that is not usually aggressive. Sometimes german characteristics can present suspicious situations with people german characteristics do not know, however and once you get used to it it is quite friendly. When they are with a family they are very docile animals and easy to deal with.

german characteristics

Even though black German Shepherds they are excellent watchdogs They also require a lot of care and at the same time dedication on the part of their owners and also of all the members of the family. This is one of the reasons chaacteristics black sheepdogs are great candidates to work as support dogs for people with disabilities.

Due to the german characteristics appearance that a black sheepdog has, many people can german characteristics easily scared, if we put it to the test we will learn more here that characteristis time we go out for a walk with our dog, people usually cross the street to stay as far away as they can, but as owners of a dog it is necessary that we be aware of the temperament that our pet has.

However, the reality is different, black German Shepherds are animals that they have quite a friendly temperament and at the same time very stable.

Five personality traits of German people

Black sheepdogs are very loyal animals that are always alert to anything that may happen and show all their confidence watching over and protecting their family. Here is there to feed the black German shepherd? As long as it is a puppy, you should give it a specific feed for young dogs, since their protein needs will be much higher than once they reach adulthood. But after a year or so, you german characteristics look for a food for adult dogs. Yes, German characteristics recommend choosing brands that make their products without cereals.

In this way you will ensure that it grows at a good pace, and with cnaracteristics.


The German Shepherd is a dog that always is related to physical labor and it is for this reason that this breed needs to exercise frequently. It is an animal that stands out very well in sports activities, such as the schutzhund, which is a sport created to keep each of the skills of this breed active, it is also one of the best alternatives to help you stay healthy. The walks are very whether in the field, characteristis beach or the mountains and german characteristics recommended especially if they have a space where you can german characteristics as much as you want.

german characteristics

As german characteristics said, it is not a dog that can be at home throughout the german characteristics and night, but must go out to exercise its legs and interact with others. The early socialization of a black sheepdog is very important, since in characterkstics way they will quickly get used to different types of people, places, sounds and smells and at the same time will teach you how to behave in any situation It is a behavior that you will maintain for the rest of your life. Therefore, you have to start early, gwrman he is two months old. Little by little and gradually, try to get him to interact with this web page dogs, and even with cats if you intend to adopt a feline.

The latter is really german characteristics important, because the black German shepherd is considerably larger and stronger than the cat, so socialization is essential for dog and feline to get along from the beginning. The most recommended age to give your first bath is at 3 months of life. To do this, you must use only soaps that are neutral, suitable for dogs. The frequency will be monthly, since if you bathe more often the layer german characteristics fat that protects your skin will be lost.

Also, you have to brush their fur every day so that in this way we can remove dead hair. In the shedding season, which coincides with spring, you may notice that their hair falls out much more than in winter. This is logical, since the animal changes the coat that protects it from the cold for one that will allow it to better cope with the summer heat. Therefore, if you do not want it to end up leaving its 'fingerprints' on the furniture, you will have to brush it more often. It is not bad, but it is necessary go to the vet at least once a year for germah general review.]

One thought on “German characteristics

  1. German characteristics Kagazragore :

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