Glass ceiling theory -

Glass ceiling theory Video

The \ glass ceiling theory Glass ceiling theory

Social dominance theory SDT is a social psychological theory of intergroup relations that examines the caste -like features [1] of group-based social hierarchies, seeking to explain how they remain stable and perpetuate themselves.

glass ceiling theory

Proposed initially in by social psychology researchers, Jim SidaniusErik Devereux and Thery Glass ceiling theory[8] the theory begins with the observation that human social groups consist of distinctly different group-based social hierarchies in societies capable of producing economic surpluses. These hierarchies have a trimorphic 3-form structure, a description which was simplified from the 4 source biosocial structure identified by van den Berghe Such arbitrariness can select on ethnicity e.

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A primary assumption in social dominance theory is that racismsexism, nationalism and classism are all manifestations of the same human disposition to form group based social hierarchies. Males are more ceiliny than females, and they possess more political power and occupy higher status positions illustrating the iron law of androcracy. Social dominance theory adds new theoretical elements attempting a comprehensive synthesis of explanations of the three mechanisms of group hierarchy oppression [15] which are regulated by legitimizing myths: [3] [21].

Although the nature of these hierarchical differences and inequality differs across cultures and societies, significant commonalities have been verified empirically using the social dominance orientation SDO scale. In multiple studies across countries, the SDO scale has been shown to correlate robustly with a variety of kinds of group prejudices including sexismsexual orientation prejudiceracism, nationalism and with hierarchy - enhancing glass ceiling theory.

Legitimising myths are consensually held values, attitudes, theeory, stereotypesconspiracy theories [24] and cultural ideologies. Examples include the doctrine of inalienable rights of mandivine right of kingsglass ceiling theory protestant work ethicand national myths.

glass ceiling theory

For regulation of the three mechanisms of group hierarchy oppression, there are two functional types of legitimizing myths: 1 hierarchy-enhancing and 2 hierarchy-attenuating myths. Hierarchy-enhancing ideologies e.

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Pratto presents meritocracy as an example of a legitimizing myth, showing how the myth of meritocracy produces only an illusion of fairness. People who score higher on the SDO scale tend to endorse hierarchy-enhancing ideologies, and people who are lower on SDO tend to endorse hierarchy-attenuating ideologies. Glass ceiling theory personality theory has an empirical scale known as the RWA measure which strongly predicts a substantially similar set of group level sociopolitical behaviours such as prejudice and ethnocentrism that the Social dominance scale predicts, despite the scales being largely independent of each other.]

glass ceiling theory

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