Google you stupid -

Google you stupid - that would

We welcome beginners and veterans alike to contribute useful and informative posts, ask questions or engage in discussion. Review our posting guidelines before submitting new content. I use Google and YouTube too much, am I stupid? I've been teaching myself for a long time. I always use Google sometimes YouTube when I do a project, even though I try to not to look for something, I get stuck somewhere. It may also be some basic syntaxes I don't remember. I try to understand, not remember. I feel so stupid, thinking I'm not improving myself. google you stupid Google you stupid

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If you post such content on any other day, it will be removed. Specific assistance questions are allowed so long as they follow the required assistance post guidelines. I use Google google you stupid YouTube too much, am I stupid? I've been teaching myself for a long time. I always use Google sometimes YouTube when I do a stpid, even though I try to not to look for something, I get stuck somewhere. It may also be some basic syntaxes I don't remember. I try to google you stupid, not remember. For instance, I search for JS syntaxes, sometimes how to use loops, functions.

google you stupid

I feel so stupid, thinking I'm not improving myself. I've been a developer now team lead for around 10 years and I still have to regularly look things up, syntax and functions included.

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You're fine. Everybody uses too much Google and YouTube, and yet they aren't even developers. Don't worry, that Impostor Syndrome feeling will soon pass once your projects begin working out. I feel like this alot, and my wife recently pointed out that a few years ago Google you stupid wouldn't even know how to find the solution, or implement in in my unique circumstance. I found that comforting and was able to agree that the underlying concepts of development and the backbone of things gooyle quite firm in my mind, just have to look up a lot of the same stuff you were writing about stupjd feel bad sometimes. Haha I feel like every developer does this; after a while things will start to click and you'll have to look up stuff less. For me, I have been programming for 5 or 6 years and I still religiously use Google.

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It's not just you. Everyone from Juniors to Seniors uses Google and other refernces all the time, often for the "stupidest little things". The more you use things, the more you'll remember them plus IDE autocompletion and other tools really help! Speaking personally, for things I don't use as often I tend to remember where to find google you stupid information rather than google you stupid information itself. If you don't already, start a notebook. Create quick references of things you look muathe eric repeatedly. Make notes when reading articles. Use whatever works for you - there's a wide array of note taking and "knowledge management" tools and techniques.

I think thats totally normal for every kind of job. Tbh I thought it will be different and after studying there is somewhen the point where you feel like "I know everything" but I think this will never be the case :D. It's normal, if anything it shows you're resourceful that you know exactly what you need to lookup to get something done. You're stupid.

google you stupid

Hope you're good at washing dishes, because that's all people who look up things while coding are good for. Sad, but true. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. All rights reserved. Want to join? Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link.]

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