Historical negationism examples - digitales.com.au

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Pseudohistory is a form of pseudoscholarship that attempts to distort or misrepresent the historical record , often using methods resembling those used in legitimate historical research. The related term cryptohistory is applied to a pseudohistory based upon or derived from the superstitions inherent to occultism. Pseudohistory is related to pseudoscience and pseudoarchaeology and usage of the terms may occasionally overlap. Although pseudohistory comes in many forms, scholars have identified many features that tend to be common in pseudohistorical works. One such feature is that pseudohistory is nearly always motivated by a contemporary political, religious, or personal agenda. Pseudohistory also frequently presents a big lie or sensational claims about historical facts which would require the radical revision re-writing of the historical record. Another very common feature of pseudohistory is the assumption that there is a conspiracy among scholars to suppress the "true" history in favor of "mainstream history", which is commonly corroborated by elaborate conspiracy theories. Works of pseudohistory often rely exclusively on sources that appear to support the thesis being promoted while ignoring sources that contradict it. Many works of pseudohistory treat myths, legends, and other unreliable sources as literal historical truth while ignoring or dismissing evidence to the contrary.

Historical negationism examples Video

Historical revisionism of Marcos' Martial Law? - ANC historical negationism examples. Historical negationism examples

Historical negationism examples - what necessary

. historical negationism examples

Historical negationism examples revisionism involves either the legitimate scholastic re-examination of existing knowledge about a historical event, or the illegitimate distortion of the historical historical negationism examples. For the former, i. In attempting to revise the past, illegitimate historical revisionism may use techniques inadmissible in proper historical discourse, such as presenting known forged documents as genuine; inventing ingenious but implausible reasons for distrusting genuine documents; attributing conclusions to books and sources that report the opposite; manipulating statistical series to support the given point of view; and deliberately mis-translating texts in languages other than the revisionist's. Some countries, such as Germany, have criminalised the negationist revision of certain historical events, while others take a more cautious position for various reasons, such as protection of free speech ; still others mandate negationist views.

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Notable examples of negationism include Holocaust denialArmenian Genocide denial and Japanese war crime denial. In literature, the consequences of historical revisionism have been imaginatively depicted in some works of fictionsuch as Nineteen Eighty-Fourby George Orwell.

historical negationism examples

In modern times, negationism may spread via new media, such as the Internet. Usually, the purpose of historical negation is to achieve a national, political aim, by transferring war-guilt, demonizing an enemy, historical negationism examples an illusion of victory, or preserving a friendship. McPherson said that negationists would want revisionist history understood as, "a consciously-falsified or distorted interpretation of the past to serve partisan or ideological purposes in the present".

The principal functions of negationist history are the abilities to control ideological influence and to control political influence.

Through the study of history, people are imbued with a particular cultural identity; therefore, by negatively revising history, the negationist can craft a specific, ideological identity. Because historians are credited as people who single-mindedly pursue truth, by way of fact, negationist historians capitalize on the neyationism professional credibilityand present their pseudohistory as true scholarship. History provides historical negationism examples into past political policies and consequences, and thus assists people in extrapolating political implications for contemporary society.

Historical negationism is applied to cultivate historical negationism examples specific political myth — sometimes with official consent from the government — whereby self-taught, amateur, and dissident academic historians either manipulate or misrepresent historical accounts to achieve political ends.

In the USSR —91the ideology historical negationism examples the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Soviet historiography treated reality and the party line as the same intellectual entity ; [13] Soviet historical negationism advanced a specific, political and ideological agenda about Russia and her place see more world history. Historical negationism applies the techniques of research, quotation, and presentation for deception of the reader historical negationism examples denial of the historical record.

In support of the "revised history" perspective, the negationist historian uses false documents as genuine sources, presents specious reasons to distrust genuine documents, exploits published opinions, by quoting out of historical context, manipulates statisticsand mistranslates texts in other languages. Evans describes the technical differences, between professional historians and negationist historians:.]

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