La cosecha the harvest -

La cosecha the harvest - useful phrase

This product addresses the conservation of this kind of fruit from the point of view of the critical factors that affect it such as appearance, weight loss, organoleptic qualities and delay in the appearance of post-harvest pathogens. During these years of research more than Kg of fruit in laboratory-scale trials have been tested, which has allowed to make an initial selection of those treatments that could provide value to extend the post-harvest life of these fruits; but the main tests and efforts have been carried out on industrial lines of partners who have very kindly ceded to the company their facilities for this purpose, and without which this development would not have been possible, in which more than 15, Tm of fruit have been treated. For SANIFRUIT one thing is clear: innovative developments must be validated and adjusted in the industry with equipment and fruit in real conditions, which obviously is a great effort but that has led the company to develop an unprecedented treatment for the stone fruit market, which is also organic certified. Thus, a test was carried on fruits of greatest interest to observe the behavior of the formulated SANI-FH L against other alternative treatments such as biological control, water treatment and a control. The official results are shown below: Development of strategies for substituting PPPs in stone fruit, berries and table grapes. Brown rot in stone fruits caused by Monillinia spp. Given its great impact and the problem set out above, the need arises to evaluate alternative treatments to fludioxonil, for the control of this disease in post-box bone fruit. Miraflores peach and Angeleno plum. The quality assessment firmness, total soluble solids, acidity and incidence of rot was carried out every 7 days after cold output and after a marketing simulation period, from three days to 20oC. At the end of conservation, Miraflores peach highlights the effectiveness of alternative treatments performed with Sanifruit and BUZ, whose ability to reduce the incidence of rot caused by Monillinia spp. la cosecha the harvest La cosecha the harvest

Init added alliances with the Association of Producers of the Rio Mayo Aspromayo and together with the producers of the coffee axis, they promoted exports of organic products.

la cosecha the harvest

The European market la cosecha the harvest excellent quality lemon to which the Dutch company Organic Trade Company made a manifesto of the export conditions, however, these conditions were not objectively and accurately standardized, subjecting to different changes in quality parameters, Whose information was not transmitted digitally or physically to company operators and producers, this created an erroneous concept of the quality of the fruit and its quality began to deteriorate.

Another phenomenon was the harvesting practices, because Aspromayo performs better tasks in cosceha execution of the harvest than in the coffee axis, giving a better quality to the lemon.

la cosecha the harvest

Based on this, the design of a protocol was proposed where the appropriate harvesting and post-harvest methods taken from the field are implemented and the company's current post-harvest process to improve the quality of the lemon and communications with the producers and the Organic Trade Company.]

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