Literary history definition -

Literary history definition Video

History of English Literature : All the Literary Ages explained literary history definition. Literary history definition

Literary fiction is a term used in the book-trade to distinguish novels that are regarded as having literary history definition meritfrom most commercial or "genre" fiction. However, the boundaries are not fixed, and major literary figures have employed the genres of science fictioncrime fictionromanceetc, to create works of literature.

Furthermore, the study of genre fiction has developed within academia in recent decades.

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Related terms are high culturehighbrowand taste. Moreover, the philosophy of aesthetics proposed high culture as a force for moral and political good. Critically, the term "high culture" is contrasted with the terms " popular culture " and " mass culture ". In sociology, taste is about an individual's cultural and aesthetic patterns of preference. Taste is a way of drawing distinctions between things such as stylesmannersconsumer literary history definitionand works histtory art.

literary history definition

Questions about good or bad taste concern human ability to judge what is beautiful, good, and acceptable. The term literary fiction implies that "the work in question has superior qualities Thus " Continue reading Eliot 's novels are literature" and Ian Fleming 's are not. This contrasts with literary history definition fiction where plot is the central concern. The "superior qualities" also include "the excellence of their writing, The term classic book covers works in any discipline that have been accepted as being exemplary or noteworthy.

This includes being listed in a list of great books. The terms "classic book" and " Western canon " are closely related concepts, but they are not necessarily synonymous. A "canon" refers to a list of books considered literary history definition be "essential" and is presented in a variety of ways. It can be published as a collection, such as Great Books of the Western WorldModern Libraryor Penguin Classicsor presented as a list by an academic such as Harold Bloom ' [11] or be the official reading list of an institution of higher learning.

Robert M. Hutchins histofy in his preface to literary history definition Great Books of the Western World declared:. A further related term is masterpiece : a creation that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person's career or to a work of outstanding creativity, skill, profundity, or workmanship. Since link Nobel Prize in Literature has frequently been awarded to the authors of literary fiction masterpieces.

This annual award is presented to a writer from any country who has, in the field of literatureproduced the most outstanding work in an idealistic direction".

literary history definition

The International Booker Prize is a similar British award given for outstanding literary fiction translated into English. This complements the earlier Booker Prizewhich is awarded to fiction in the English language. For both judges are selected from amongst leading literary critics, writers, academics and public figures. The Booker judging process and the very concept of a "best book" being chosen by a small number of literary insiders is controversial for many.

The distinction between literary fiction and genre fiction is doubtful, because some works of genre fiction literary history definition considered works of literature. Major writers of literary fiction, like Nobel laureate Doris Lessingas well as Margaret Atwoodalso publish science fiction.

literary history definition

Doris Lessing described science fiction as "some of the best social fiction of our time," and called Greg Bearauthor of Blood Music"a great writer. For instance, the novel Crime and Punishment by Fydor Dostoevsky contains elements of the crime fiction genre. Graham Greene at the time of his death in had a reputation as a writer of both deeply serious novels on the theme of Catholicism [26] and of "suspense-filled stories of detection. In an interview, John Updike lamented that "the category of 'literary fiction' has sprung up recently to torment people like me who just set out to write books, and if anybody wanted to read them, terrific, the more the merrier I'm a genre writer of a sort.

I write literary fiction, which is like spy literary history definition or chick lit. He suggested that all his works are literary, simply literary history definition "they are written in words. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.]

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