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Speaking, you: Nazi concentration camps netflix

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Nazi concentration camps netflix Video

WWII Footage: Nazi Concentration Camps

Breaking news for greater Los Angeles and Orange County

In their zeal to speak out against COVID vaccinations, some Orange County residents are publicly equating the vaccines and nazj push for their widespread use nazi concentration camps netflix the atrocities of the Holocaust.

On Tuesday, at an Orange County Board of Supervisors meeting, two speakers wore Star of David symbols on their shirts as they joined others in referencing the Holocaust while denouncing vaccines and vaccination requirements. Last week, at an Orange County Board of Education meeting, some residents referred to the use of COVID vaccinations as being not unlike the deadly experiments performed by German physician Josef Mengele at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Some experts who track hate speech say the rhetoric is inaccurate, hyperbolic, and crosses a line into anti-Semitism. Noting that his father was in a Nazi POW camp, and his mother had COVID, Levin added that the comparisons suggest people are unaware of what actually happened during the Holocaust, when six million Jews were killed, many of them gassed in concentration concentrtion.

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Levi added that the Holocaust has been used as a symbol by those who are against vaccinations in general, not just against COVID shot. Nichole Quick, saw her photo defaced on a banner, depicted with a Hitler mustache and swastikas, Levi noted.

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Quick resigned in June after facing threats following a countywide face mask order. Many chose to make comparisons to Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. OC supervisors meeting today is definitely in the running for most times I've heard Nazi Germany invoked in public comments.

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One woman, who identified herself as Libby, tugged at a yellow Star nwzi David on nazi concentration camps netflix shirt — a symbol of what Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust and other times in history. She yelled at the supervisors, saying the vaccines are experimental and arguing that they cause more harm than good.

None of you have the right to tell me, and especially my children, what goes into their bodies. Clayton Chau, who heads the Orange County Health Care Agency, said the county will not require residents to hold a digital vaccine record or proof of vaccination to enter county facilities or receive county services.

But private businesses may require such proof, and county officials will offer a digital vaccine hardcore music for those who want it. Speakers at that April 7 meeting were under nazi concentration camps netflix impression that vaccines would be mandatory for students older than 16, and that shots would be administered on school campuses without parental consent. None of that was true, according to Superintendent Al Mijares and others. The following morning, Chau called a press conference to clear netfilx record, saying COVID vaccinations cannot be mandated because they have yet to receive final approval by the Food and Drug Administration.

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Chau also noted that minors must have parental consent. At neither meeting did elected officials address the Holocaust references, something Levi criticized.

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News Politics California Politics. References to Mengele?]

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