Negative effects of manifest destiny -

Authoritative point: Negative effects of manifest destiny

Negative effects of manifest destiny 489
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Negative effects of manifest destiny 371
Negative effects of manifest destiny 401
negative effects of manifest destiny.

Negative effects of manifest destiny - sorry, that

The American frontier , also known as the Old West or the Wild West , includes the geography, history, folklore, and culture in the forward wave of American expansion that began with European colonial settlements in the early 17th century and ended with the admission of the last few western territories as states in This era of massive migration and settlement was particularly encouraged by President Thomas Jefferson following the Louisiana Purchase , giving rise to the expansionist attitude known as " Manifest Destiny " and the historians' " Frontier Thesis ". A frontier is a zone of contact at the edge of a line of settlement. Leading theorist Frederick Jackson Turner went deeper, arguing that the frontier was the scene of a defining process of American civilization: "The frontier," he asserted, "promoted the formation of a composite nationality for the American people. Enormous popular attention was focused on the Western United States especially the Southwest in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century, from the s to the s. Such media typically exaggerated the romance, anarchy, and chaotic violence of the period for greater dramatic effect. This inspired the Western genre of film, along with television shows , novels , comic books , video games , children's toys and costumes. As defined by Hine and Faragher, "frontier history tells the story of the creation and defense of communities, the use of the land, the development of markets, and the formation of states. In his "Frontier Thesis" , Turner theorized that the frontier was a process that transformed Europeans into a new people, the Americans, whose values focused on equality, democracy, and optimism, as well as individualism , self-reliance, and even violence. As the American frontier passed into history, the myths of the West in fiction and film took a firm hold in the imaginations of Americans and foreigners alike. Negative effects of manifest destiny

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Learning Objectives Covered LO In your career, you will encounter people of various backgrounds, including immigrants who receive training in the U. Your understanding of the history involving their click here gives you a new perspective on how you will interact with neggative individuals. You will also probably deal with the idea of company expansion. Many times, smaller companies will be taken over by larger companies that have more resources, more employees, and a better business plan. This can be likened to the effects of Manifest Destiny mabifest Imperialism as far as changing the makeup of the employees, the limits of the area the company consumes, and the way negative effects of manifest destiny affects the people that work for either company. Just like the idea of Manifest Destiny suggests, the U. In a whirlwind of major changes, the United States experiences things such as the state of Texas entering the U.

The United States experiences this constant push for change and an expansion out West.

negative effects of manifest destiny

Railcars are running and treading upon new territory, gold is being discovered in California, and the issue of slavery is highly debated. One aspect of Manifest Destiny is the belief that the American culture and government is the best. This is a coveted title which employers hope will attract o employees. In essence, they have the same feelings of superiority that are seen in the Manifest Destiny in their workplace.

negative effects of manifest destiny

This time period was also known as the Age of Imperialism. First popularized during the presidency of James K. During this time, industrialization caused American businessmen to seek new international markets in which to sell their goods. The combination of these attitudes and other factors led the United States toward imperialism. Lumen Boundless US History, n. American Imperialism changed the demographics of the United States in the following ways: Native Americans were removed by force from the land manifesf of the Mississippi River to the west.

This legacy affects United States society and workplaces today in that these minority groups are just in the lf past read article to have the freedom to obtain work in higher paying jobs. Up until the Civil Rights Act of negative effects of manifest destiny, these groups experienced hardship when trying to obtain work. The Civil Rights Act helped move equality recognition along because it was now prohibited to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.


This paved the way for a diverse workplace. We see today how there are more diverse management teams. Here that were once filled with only men, are now seeing women. Multiple ethnicities can now be found in many offices. How do these events of the past affect us today? For example, women fought for the right to vote until it was granted in with the 19th amendment.

This movement and discovery has changed our society and economics in many ways. For example, people moved from the farm to the city for opportunities to work and live.]

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