President george washington farewell address -

President george washington farewell address president george washington farewell address

So said President Joe Biden in his announcement that, as of Sept. But while the U. Our enemies are stronger, and they control more territory today than they have since their overthrow in They have reconstituted themselves under fire, control half of the country and can cut roads to the capital of Kabul. And in our mission to build a democratic Afghanistan that could sustain itself long after we depart, we failed.

president george washington farewell address

And we have no guarantee al-Qaida will not reestablish itself in Afghanistan. For the most probable successors to the regime we are leaving behind are the same Taliban we drove from power in And while the Taliban did not defeat us, they have bled the Afghan army we helped to create and train, and outlasted the United States and a NATO alliance that emerged victorious from a year cold war with the Soviet Empire.

That this is lutheran soteriology as no strategic victory may be seen from the reaction of those who most consistently supported the war, conservative Republican senators.

president george washington farewell address

Said Lindsey Graham:. Said the ranking Republican on armed services, Jim Inhofe:. But if we failed in Afghanistan, why did we fail?

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Our enemies, the Taliban, motivated by a religious faith many would call fanaticism, were more willing to sacrifice, suffer, fight, bleed and die for longer than we or our Afghan allies. Also, it is their country, after all, not ours. It is everything to them, not so much to us. They president george washington farewell address steeped in the traditional Afghan hostility to foreigners and hatred of those who come to their land to tell them how presidnet should live and rule themselves. The Taliban captured the flags of anti-colonialism, nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism.

Essay About Going To War

There is talk that, should the Taliban topple the government, bring down the regime and engage in reprisals and atrocities, American troops might surge back in. My sense is no. Like the Brits in the 19th century and Russians in the 20th, when we go, we will not return. The greatest blunder came inwhen George W. Our year struggle in Iraq following the invasion of has proven even most costly in lives and treasure than the war in Afghanistan.

president george washington farewell address

After that came the U.]

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