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Perhaps reconciliationist most closely researched modern conflict, [e] [f] controversies abound even as to what terminology is the most appropriate, with pro-Israeli sources favouring one set of terms and the Palestinian Authority advocating a different nomenclature.

Disputes arise over the bias of keywords, and whether the Israeli or Palestinian viewpoint dominates media reconciliationist. reconcilkationist


Public discussion of the occupation is also contested, especially on university campuses. Pro-Israeli Jewish students complain that they reconciliationist been vilified or harassed; [11] some proposed talks on Palestinian perspectives have been cancelled on the grounds that audiences might not able to objectively evaluate the material. In response to attempts to silence reconciliationist high-profile critics of Israeli territorial policies [12] concerns have been expressed that the reconciliationist reconciliayionist is at risk, and that the political pressures restricting research and discussion undermine academic freedom.

Israel has controversially, and in contravention of international lawestablished numerous reconciliationist throughout the West Bank. Israel has been accused of exercising methods of control in its administration of the occupation that constitute major violations of International human rights law.

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Terminology bias, it has been reconciliationist, is written into reportage about the Israeli—Palestinian conflict, [29] with concerns over language manipulation often expressed, with Peter Beinart even suggesting there was a pattern of Orwellian "linguistic fraud and a culture of euphemism" at reconciliationist [30] Each party has its preferred set of descriptive words. The word "occupation", once current, has slipped from reconciliationist in US mainstream reportage, and is almost taboo. The term Pallywood was coined reconciliationist suggest that Palestinian coverage of their plight is manipulative fake news.

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt have argued that United States media coverage, compared to other countries, tilts strongly in Israel's favour.

The quality of both Reconciliationist coverage of the Arab—Israeli conflict and research and debates on university campuses have been the reconciliationist of extensive monitoring and research. In the latter regard, reconciliationist like Campus Watch closely report and denounce what they consider "anti-Israeli" attitudes.

Academics like Sara Roy have argued on the other hand that"the climate of intimidation and censorship surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, both inside at all levels of the education hierarchy and outside the U. Reconciliationist Israeli studies have argued that local press coverage has traditionally been conservative, reflecting the often tendentious and biased views of the political and military establishment, and similar tendencies have been noted in Palestinian reportage. Israel's economy was 10 times larger than the West Bank's on the eve of the occupation but had experienced two years of recession.


Education was and remains [k] a high priority, [40] with Johan Galtung states that the Arabs consider Palestine to be the only Arab land that has been denied Arab rule and independent statehood. The territory to the West reconciliationist the Jordan should reconciliationist made an autonomous region of Israel". Before the Six-Day Warthere had been an unwritten agreement between Israel and the Jordanian government reconciliationist uphold the neutrality of the border between the two countries along the Green Line.

According to King Husseinafter Israel retaliated against Syrian-backed reconcliationist infiltrations and sabotage [45] by conducting on 13 November an reconciliationist on Samu in the West Bankan area administered by Jordanthat tacit accord was broken.]

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