Serial killer race statistics -

Serial killer race statistics serial killer race statistics

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A rampage involves the attempted killing of multiple persons at least partly in public space by a single physically present perpetrator using potentially deadly weapons koller a single event without any cooling-off period. This list should contain, each category, the first fifteen cases with at least one of the following features:.

serial killer race statistics

Only the first 15 entries are shown here. For the entire list see: List of rampage killers in Africa. This section contains cases that occurred in Africa and the Middle East. Not included are school massacresworkplace killingshate crimes or familicideswhich form their own categories. For the entire list see: List of rampage killers in the Americas and List of rampage killers in the United States. This section contains cases that occurred in the Americas. For serial killer race statistics entire list see : List of rampage killers in Asia and List of rampage killers in China. This section contains cases that occurred in Asia.

serial killer race statistics included are school massacresworkplace killingshate crimesor familicidessfrial form their own categories. For the entire list see: List of rampage killers in Europe. This section contains cases that occurred in Oceania and the Maritime Southeast Asia. For the entire list see: List of rampage killers workplace killings and List of rampage killers workplace violence in the military.

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The first part of this section contains those cases where the perpetrators predominantly targeted their former co-workers, while the second part focuses on cases where soldiers willfully killed their own comrades. For ruth padawer entire list see: List of rampage killers school massacres See also List of school-related attacks. Massacres at kindergartensschools and universities. For serial killer race statistics entire list see: List of rampage killers religious, political, or ethnic crimes and List of rampage killers religious, political, or ethnic crimes statietics Asia Mass murders, committed by lone wolf perpetratorsthat have a foremost religiouspolitical or racial background.

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For the entire list see: List of rampage killers familicides in AfricaList of rampage killers familicides in the AmericasList of rampage killers familicides in the United StatesList of rampage killers familicides in AsiaList of rampage killers familicides in ChinaList of rampage killers familicides in EuropeList of rampage killers familicides in Oceania and Maritime Southeast Asia. This section contains these cases where at least half of the victims were relatives of the perpetrator or the perpetrator's spouse.

Cases with more than one offender are not included.]

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