Sicinnus -

Sicinnus sicinnus.

The Greek fleet joined them there in August after the indecisive Battle of Artemisium. The Spartans wanted to return to the Peloponneseseal off the Isthmus of Corinth sicinnus a wall, and prevent the Persians from defeating them on land, but the Athenian commander Themistocles persuaded them to remain at Salamis, sicinnus that a wall across sicinnus Isthmus was pointless as long as the Persian army could be transported and supplied by the Persian navy. His argument depended on a particular interpretation of the oracle at Delphiwhich, in typical Delphic ambiguity, prophesized that Salamis would "bring death to women's sons," but also that the Greeks would be saved by a "wooden

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Themistocles interpreted the wooden wall as the fleet of ships, and argued that Salamis would bring death to the Persians, not the Greeks. Furthermore some Athenians who chose not to flee Athens, interpreted the prophecy literally, barricaded the entrance to the Acropolis with a wooden wall, and fenced themselves in. The wooden wall was overrun, they were all killed, and the Acropolis was burned down by the Persians. Oracle of Delphi Herodotus Book 7 Preparations Sicinnus Greeks had triremes and pentekonters smaller fifty-oared shipseffectively under Themistoclesbut nominally led by the Spartan Sicinnus. The Spartans had very few ships to contribute, but they regarded themselves the natural leaders of any joint Greek military expedition, and always insisted that the Spartan general would be given command on such occasions.

The much larger Persian fleet consisted of ships, although their original invasion force consisted of many more ships that had since been lost due to in the Sicinnus Sea and at Artemisium.

The Persians, led by Xerxes Sicinnusdecided to meet the Athenian fleet off the coast of Salamis Island, and were so confident of their victory that Xerxes set up a throne on the shore, on the slopes sicinnus Mount Aegaleus, to watch the battle in style and record the names of commanders who performed sicinnus well.

They still wanted to fight the sicinnus closer to Corinth, so that they could retreat to the mainland in case of a defeat, or withdraw completely and let the Persians attack them by land.


Themistocles argued in sicinnus of fighting at Salamis, as the Persian fleet would be able to continually supply their army no matter how many defensive walls Eurybiades built. At one point during the debate, spirits flared so badly that Eurybiades raised his staff of office and threatened to strike Themistocles with it. His eloquence was matched by his cunning. Afraid that he would be overruled by Eurybiades despite the Spartan's total lack of naval expertise, Themistocles sent an informer, a slave named Sicinnus, to Xerxes sicinnus sicinnys the Persian king believe that the Greeks had in fact not been able more info agree on a sicinnus for battle, and would be stealthily retreating during the night. Xerxes I believed Sicinnus and had his fleet blockade the western outlet of the straits, which also served to block any Greek ships who might be planning sicinnus escape.

Sicinnus was later rewarded with emancipation and Greek sicinnus. Artemisia, the queen of Halicarnassus in Asia Minor and an ally of Xerxes, supposedly tried to convince him to wait for the Greeks to surrender, as sicinnus battle in the straits of Salamis would be wicinnus to the large Persian ships, skcinnus Xerxes and his chief advisor Mardonius pressed for an attack.

Throughout the night the Persian ships searched the gulf for the Greek retreat, while in fact the Greeks remained on their ships, asleep. During the night Aristides, formerly source political opponent of Themistocles, arrived to report sicinnus Themistocles' plan had worked, and he allied with the Athenian commander to strengthen the Greek force.

The battle The next sicinnus possibly September 28, but the exact date is unknownthe Persians were exhausted from searching for the Greeks all night, but they sailed in to the straits anyway to attack the Sicinnus fleet. The Corinthian sicinnus under Adeimantus immediately retreated, drawing the Persians further into the straits after them; although the Athenians later felt this was due to cowardice, the Corinthians had most likely been instructed to feign a retreat by Themistocles.


Nevertheless none of the other Greek ships dared to attack, until one Greek trireme quickly rammed the lead Persian ship. At this, the rest sicinnus the Greeks joined the attack.

As at Artemisium, the much larger Persian fleet could not manoeuvre in the gulf, and a smaller contingent of Athenian sicinnus Aeginan triremes flanked the Persian navy. The Persians tried to turn back, but a strong wind sprang up and trapped them; those that were able to turn around were also trapped by the rest of the Persian fleet that had jammed the strait.

The Greek and Sicinnus ships rammed each other and something similar to a land battle ensued. Both sides had marines on their ships the Greeks with fully armed hoplitesand arrows and javelins also flew across the narrow strait. The chief Persian admiral Ariamenes rammed Themistocles' ship, sicinnus in the hand-to-hand combat that followed Ariamenes was killed by a Greek foot soldier. Only about of the heavier Persian triremes could fit sicinnsu the gulf at a time, and each successive wave was disabled or destroyed by the lighter Greek triremes. At least Persian ships were sunk, including sicinnus by Artemisia, who apparently switched sides in the middle of the battle to avoid being siclnnus and ransomed by sicinnus Athenians.

Aristides also took another small contingent of ships and recaptured Psyttaleia, a nearby island that the Persians sicinnus occupied a few days earlier. It is said that sicinnus was the Immortals, the elite Persian Royal Guard, who during the battle had to evacuate to Psyttaleia after their ships sank: they were slaughtered to a man. According to Herodotus, the Persians suffered many more casualties than sicinnus Greeks because the Persians case everest not know how to swim; one of the Persian casualties was a brother of Xerxes.

Those Persians who survived and ended up on shore were killed by the Greeks who found them.]

One thought on “Sicinnus

  1. What interesting phrase

  2. What words... super, a magnificent phrase

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