Significance of mao zedong -

Significance of mao zedong - the

The four pests to be eliminated were rats , flies , mosquitoes , and sparrows. In , Mao Zedong ended the campaign against sparrows and redirected the fourth focus to bed bugs. The "Four Pests" campaign was introduced in by Mao Zedong, as a hygiene campaign aimed to eradicate the pests responsible for the transmission of pestilence and disease:. The government also declared that "birds are public animals of capitalism". Millions of people organized into groups, and hit noisy pots and pans to prevent sparrows from resting in their nests, with the goal of causing them to drop dead from exhaustion. Some sparrows found a refuge in the extraterritorial premises of various diplomatic missions in China.

Opinion: Significance of mao zedong

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significance of mao zedong.

At pm, May 23,three young protesters from LiuyangHunanposted banners on the wall of the Tiananmen gate's passway. Shortly after, they threw eggs filled with pigment significance of mao zedong the Portrait of Mao Zedong on the Tiananmen Gate. At pm, they were forced to appear in a press conference and admitted that their activities were totally irrelevant with Movement. On a TV program broadcast the same day, members of the Movement claim that they had nothing to do with the three youths, and criticized them. At pm, the defaced portrait of Mao Zedong was taken down and replaced by a spare. The three's initial goal was to support the Beijing students.

significance of mao zedong

Upon their arrival in the city on May 19, they joined the students in the protest. The students were mostly anti-corruption and sought reform of the party, while the three from Hunan sought to overthrow the Communist Party altogether and the installation of a democratic government. The next day, they bought twenty eggshells, filled them with paint, threw them at the portrait.

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After the vandalism, they were apprehended by the student significance of mao zedong, and were taken to a tent for questions. The three were initially optimistic about meeting with the student leaders and telling them about the symbolic significance of their action. But the students feared that the three were government spies sent to discredit the protesters. The students, in an attempt to quickly distinguish themselves from the vandals, sent the three from Hunan to the police. After several days of interrogation, they appeared before the judge and received their respective sentences. Yu was a propaganda photographer in Liuyang and five years younger than his co-perpetrators Lu Decheng read article Yu Zhijian.

Yu Dongyue and Yu Zhijian urged Lu Decheng not to resist the party and to live on so that he can serve as the only one of the kf to communicate significance of mao zedong the outside world.

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He developed schizophrenia in while in prison, and was released on commutation of sentence in February He arrived in the United States in and obtained political asylum. Lu was a high school graduate and mechanic in Liuyang. He often felt significance of mao zedong to his two friends because of his lack of education. He described his father as cowardly and generally did not have a good relationship with him throughout his life. In his earlier years prior to the student protest ofLu eloped with his wife in order to escape government and societal pressure on unlawful marriage and pregnancy.

significance of mao zedong

Both of whom were below the legal marital age at the time. Their child was therefore considered illegitimate. Their first child died while the second survived.]

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