The concept of bureaucracy -

The concept of bureaucracy

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Seems: The concept of bureaucracy

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Nixon detente policies 14 hours ago · effect of bureaucracy on employees productivity: a case of enugu state water corporation – 69 pages. posted on august 7, 19 min read. comments off on effect of bureaucracy on employees productivity: a case of enugu state water corporation – 69 pages. 0. 1. 2 days ago · QUESTION JUN 26, Much of government functions within the framework of a bureaucracy and this has its advantages. Much of government functions within the framework of a bureaucracy and this has its advantages. Yet, in order to break through some of the limitations that bureaucracies impose, governance of public issues has moved toward approaches Continue . 4 days ago · WEBER’S BUREAUCRATIC THEORY Weber contributed one of the most famous descriptions and analysis of the characteristics of bureaucratic organizations. He saw Bureaucracy as an ideal form of domination based on legal authority, as opposed to tradition or charisma, and considered it to be the most rational and efficient form of organization ever.
THE HARMFULL EFFECTS OF SMOKING 10 hours ago · This video explains the complete theory of Bureaucracy by Max Weber. It contains the meaning, definition, structural elements, functional elements and powe. 3 days ago · Meaning and Concepts of Bureaucracy Types of Bureaucracy Element of Bureaucracy Functions for Bureaucracy Principles of Bureaucracy Merit of Bureaucracy Demerits of Bureaucracy Summary References. . 14 hours ago · effect of bureaucracy on employees productivity: a case of enugu state water corporation – 69 pages. posted on august 7, 19 min read. comments off on effect of bureaucracy on employees productivity: a case of enugu state water corporation – 69 pages. 0. 1.
the concept of bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy is an administrative or social system that relies on a set of rules and procedures, separation of functions and a hierarchical structure in implementing controls over an organization, government or social system.

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Although some form the concept of bureaucracy bureaucracy is necessary for large, efficiently run organizations, there is much debate over whether the theory is every manifested in practice. The point here is that bureaucracy brings about delay in decision making, does not allow for innovation and response to emergency situation. There by showing that, the manner in which an organizational structure is set up and administered can have a direct effect on company productivity. Here, Igweobi stated that, the solid foundation of any successful company is its people.

the concept of bureaucracy

Employees represent a here of the concept of bureaucracy and idea, but oftentimes that resource remains untapped. Involving employees in the managerial, administrative process and decision-making processes not only empower them to contribute to the success of an organization, but also saves the company time and money, increase productivity and reduce outsourcing. Also, Oduma stated that, the increase in responsibility expands employee skill sets, preparing them for additional responsibility in the future. Employees participation in decision-making process irrespective of their rank in an organization leads to job satisfaction, employees commitment and increase rate of circulation of information that can lead to the realization of the corporate objectives of an organization.

Observably however, some administrators and managers of some organizations believe so much in the strict application of bureaucratic principles that they do not allow bureaucdacy and subordinates to participate in decision making processes and in conept day-to-day administration and management of the organization. Some of them hold the erroneous believe that allowing employees to carryout certain job responsibility will make them understand the secretes of the organisation and which might result in the subordinate taking over their position from them.

the concept of bureaucracy

Again, Umeogu observed that, this kind of situation is mostly observed in government parastatals and public enterprises, where directors and managers are so stringent with performance evaluation, appraisal and monitoring process that, to them allowing employees to participate in the decision making process might weaken their authority to control the hhe. Enugu State water corporation is one of the state government parastatals that provides public learn more here, essentially water to the inhabitants of Enugu State.

According to the hierarchy of authority in the corporation, there must be director of the corporation, comcept staff, executive staff, clerical staff, messengerial staff etc. Hence, the extent the corporation supplies water to the public tje and efficiently could be dependent on the extent to which the director and other key managers in the corporation relate or communicate with other employees in terms of decision making, assignment of responsibilities, roles and in the general administration of the corporation.

Hence, in this research, effort would be made to investigate the extent to which bureaucracy affects employees productivity in Enugu State water corporation. The spread of democratic value to virtually every society today has brought the need to examine the implications of this trend to other spheres of life. With respect to business and economic sector, employees are faced with the dilemma of how to cope with authoritative the concept of bureaucracy in the work places while living in a democratic society which guarantee basic fundamental freedom. In addition, bureaurcacy denial of workers active involvement in decision making is held to be one of the major causes of the problems which are manifested daily in the work lives of the modern employees.

According to Anyanwuthe refusal of the concept of bureaucracy organizations to recognize the human factor in industrial production through greater involvement of employees in its managerial processes, administration and decision making tend to create several human problems in this setting. Bureaucratic structures can discourage creativity and innovation throughout the organization. No matter how ingenious a business owner is, it is virtually impossible for a single individual to generate the range of strategic ideas possible in a large, interdisciplinary group.

Another implication of bureaucracy is that front line employees may receive less satisfaction from their jobs in the rigidly bureaucratic organization.

the concept of bureaucracy

Again, directors of government parastatals like Enugu State water corporation tend to demonstrate through their actions that allowing employees to participate in decision making process might weaken the authority of the management in controlling, evaluating, appraisal and monitoring employees performance. But they fail to realize that, not allowing employees to participate in the decision making process can educe the level of employee productivity.

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This is because, a worker is a social being who brings his personality, more info, aspirations, anxieties, feelings and attitude to the work place. When he finds that his work does not provide him with the opportunity to realize his potentials, he tends to engage in the concept of bureaucracy behaviours like absenteeism, apathy, low commitment and low productivity. Specific objectives include:. Ho — The management of Enugu water corporation has not allowed employees to participate in decision making. Hi — The management of Enugu water corporation has allowed employees to participate in decision making. Hi - The hierarchical structure and set rules in Enugu water cooperation have enhanced employees productivity. Ho — The management of Enugu water corporation has not made effective use of employee participation in decision making to enhance organizational growth.

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Hi — The management of Enugu water corporation has made effective use of employee participation in decision making to bureaucrwcy organizational growth. The research employs the human relations theory of management. The human relations theory is a school of management theory stressing the importance of understanding human motivation in the work place.]

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