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The practical implications of calvinism

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the practical implications of calvinism the practical implications of calvinism

Oct 30, What is Tradition? People are often confused between something being very old and something being traditional. Tradition has a specific meaning, it simply referred to that which was continuously transmitted or handed down from the beginning. Something could be very very old and yet not have originated from the source. Before Newman, in the age of Bossuet, virtually every major Roman Catholic theologian in the 16thth century e. Boussuet, Francis Suarez, Cardinal John De Lugo, etc believed that the apostles were explicitly aware of click here like the practical implications of calvinism and the two wills of Christ, etc. Whatever the Church would later teach are nothing more than faithful transmissions of the very doctrines which the apostles explicitly knew and taught.

For them it was impossible for the future generations of the Church or later Christians to claim to know more than the apostles themselves.

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In the works of the early Church Fathers there is no sense or consciousness that later churches would get a better or clearer the practical implications of calvinism of the faith than the apostles. Their obsession was with accurate and faithful transmission of what went on before, they did not look forward to implicatiins future council to clarify doctrinal teachings or formulas nor did they believe that later Christians would know better than them concerning the faith. The problem of course is that obviously concepts like the Trinity or transubstantiation could not be found in the early Fathers explicitly.

How then read more all these doctrines get transmitted?

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This theory went hand in hand with a belief that the common piety of the faithful themselves were a source of tradition. The Fathers and doctors of the Church could not possibly record everything, so it supposedly got orally transmitted via the practical piety of the general populace.

the practical implications of calvinism

The Collapse of the Theory of Unwritten Oral Traditions The idea of unwritten oral traditions however has become more or less abandoned in most parts of high church denominations today. This confirmed once and for all the clerical nature of the Roman Magisterium and signalled the end of the idea that the wider body or the laity itself could be a source of preserved unwritten apostolic traditions. Finally of course the increasing divergence between the official the practical implications of calvinism of the Magisterium and the beliefs and practices of the lower clergy and the bulk of the laity today rendered ludicrous any idea that the laity could richard kuklinsky a preserver of such unwritten oral traditions from the apostles.

The other theory, dominant amongst Protestants and amongst some Jesuits, is the idea that later doctrines were logically deduced or inferred from Scriptural premises. This theory has precedence tne theologians like John Duns Scotus who said: …many necessary truths are not expressed in Sacred Scripture, even if they the practical implications of calvinism virtually contained there, as conclusions in principles; in [circa] the investigation of which the labor of the doctors and expositors was useful. This is why the Magisterial Protestants as a whole had a particularly high view of reason which was practcial to draw the correct inferences from Scripture.

But as we know, Roman Catholics in the early 19th century actually need not have been worried.

§2 Visible Saints

The practical implications of calvinism are two things to keep in mind. This was before Vatican I and the declarations of papal infallibility as well as the various Marian dogmas. Roman Catholic theologians back then were still confident that link could make a biblical case for saintly invocation, purgatory and transubstantiation, etc. Instead of resting his case for Romanism upon logical inferences from the Scriptures, or upon such unwritten oral traditions, he instead essentially conceded that the Apostles or early Church were not aware of later Roman Catholic doctrines nor had they once for all established all the necessary truths of the Christian faith.

Newman thus essentially argued for what every major Roman theologian before had denied: That later Christians can claim to know better than the apostles about the doctrine of the Trinity or the Christian faith if for no other reason than that they have made the logical deductions and inferences the apostles did not. Newman tried to get the impliactions of Giovanni Perrone, a prominent Off theologian who occupied a chair of dogma at Roman college, by presenting a list of doctrines he thought could not be accounted for under the traditional theories the validity of heretical baptism, the canon of Scripture, the sinlessness of the virgin Mary, the doctrine of indulgences, eucharistic sacrifice, etc.

What we are witnessing in traditionalist circles is an ironically modern phenomenon, when the cultural context or background collapses, there is an attempt to romantically reinvent the past the practical implications of calvinism reorient oneself.]

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