What were the dark ages - digitales.com.au

What were the dark ages - apologise

The Early Middle Ages or Early Medieval Period , sometimes referred to as the Dark Ages , is typically regarded by historians as lasting from the late 5th or early 6th century to the 10th century AD. The alternative term " Late Antiquity " emphasizes elements of continuity with the Roman Empire , while "Early Middle Ages" is used to emphasize developments characteristic of the earlier medieval period. The period saw a continuation of trends evident since late classical antiquity , including population decline , especially in urban centres, a decline of trade, a small rise in global warming and increased migration. In the 19th century the Early Middle Ages were often labelled the "Dark Ages", a characterization based on the relative scarcity of literary and cultural output from this time. Many of the listed trends reversed later in the period. In the title of " Emperor " was revived in Western Europe with Charlemagne , whose Carolingian Empire greatly affected later European social structure and history. Europe experienced a return to systematic agriculture in the form of the feudal system , which adopted such innovations as three-field planting and the heavy plough. Barbarian migration stabilized in much of Europe , although the Viking expansion greatly affected Northern Europe. Starting in the 2nd century , various indicators of Roman civilization began to decline, including urbanization , seaborne commerce, and population. Archaeologists have identified only 40 percent as many Mediterranean shipwrecks from the 3rd century as from the first. what were the dark ages What were the dark ages

The history of Bulgaria can be traced from the first settlements on the lands of modern Bulgaria to its formation as a nation-state, and includes the history what were the dark ages the Bulgarian people and their origin. The earliest evidence of hominid occupation discovered in what is today Bulgaria date from ewre least 1. After BC, the Thracians appeared on the Balkan peninsula. This mixture of ancient peoples was assimilated by the Slavswho permanently settled on the peninsula after AD.

Meanwhile, in the Bulgars formed an independent state north of the Black sea that became known as Great Bulgaria under the leadership of Kubrat.

Pressure from the Khazars led to the disintegration of Great Bulgaria in the second half of the 7th century. One of Kubrat 's successors, Asparukhmigrated with some of the Bulgar tribes to the area around the Danube deltaand subsequently conquered Scythia Minor and Moesia Inferior from the Byzantine Empireexpanding his new kingdom further into the Balkan peninsula.

The new state brought together Thracian remnants and Slavs under Bulgar rule, and a slow process of mutual assimilation began. In go here following centuries Bulgaria established itself as a powerful empire, dominating the Balkans through its aggressive military traditions, which what were the dark ages to development of a distinct ethnic identity.

what were the dark ages

In the 11th century, the First Bulgarian Empire collapsed under Rus' and Byzantine attacks, and became part of the Byzantine Empire until Then, a major uprising led v nebraska two brothers, Asen and Peter of the Asen dynastyrestored the Bulgarian state to form the Second Bulgarian Empire.

After reaching its apogee in the s, Bulgaria started to decline due to a number of factors, most notably its geographic position which rendered it vulnerable to simultaneous what were the dark ages and invasions from many sides. Dwrk peasant rebellion, one of the few successful such in history, established the swineherd Ivaylo as a Tsar.

His short reign was essential in recovering—at least partially—the integrity of the Bulgarian state. A relatively thriving period followed afterbut ended inwhen factional divisions caused Bulgaria to split into three small Tsardoms. Bythey were subjugated by the Ottoman Empire. The Turks eliminated the Bulgarian system of nobility and ruling clergy, and Bulgaria remained an integral Ottoman Empire territory for the next years. With the decline of the Ottoman Weer aftersigns of revival started to emerge.

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The Bulgarian nobility had vanished, leaving an egalitarian peasant society with a small but growing urban middle class. By the 19th century, the Bulgarian National Revival became a key component of the struggle for independence, what were the dark ages would culminate in the failed Wuat uprising inwhich prompted the Russo-Turkish War of —78 and the subsequent Liberation of Bulgaria. This left many ethnic Bulgarians out of the borders of the new state, which defined Bulgaria's militaristic approach to regional affairs and its allegiance to Germany in both World Wars. After World War II, Bulgaria became a Communist statewith Todor Zhivkov serving as General Secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party for a period of 35 years, sparking rapid economic development, increased life expectancies, and a heavier focus on industry.

what were the dark ages

Bulgaria's economic advancement during the era came to an end in the s, and the collapse of the Communist system in Eastern Europe marked a turning point for the country's development. A series of crises in the s left much of Bulgaria's industry and agriculture in shambles, although a period what were the dark ages relative stabilization began with the election of Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha as prime minister in The earliest human remains found in Bulgaria were excavated in the Kozarnika cave, with an approximate age of 1,6 million BC. This cave probably keeps source earliest evidence of human symbolic behaviour ever found.

what were the dark ages

A fragmented pair of human jaws, which are 44, years old, were found in Bacho Kiro cavebut it is disputed whether these early humans were in fact Homo sapiens or Neanderthals. The earliest dwellings in Bulgaria — the Stara Zagora Neolithic dwellings — date from 6, BC and are amongst the oldest man-made structures yet discovered. The eneolithic Varna culture BC [11] represents the first civilization with a sophisticated social hierarchy in Europe.

The centrepiece of this culture is the Varna Necropolisdiscovered in the early s.]

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