Which of the following liquids has the greatest viscocity? - digitales.com.au

Which of the following liquids has the greatest viscocity? Video

Chemistry - Liquids and Solids (14 of 59) Viscosity - Examples

Which of the following liquids has the greatest viscocity? - consider, that

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Nonsilicic lavas Some lavas of unusual composition have erupted onto the surface of the Earth. These include: Carbonatite and natrocarbonatite lavas are known from Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano in Tanzaniawhich is the sole example of an active carbonatite volcano. This may not reflect the original composition of the lava, which may have included sodium carbonate that was subsequently removed by hydrothermal activity, though laboratory experiments show that a calcite-rich magma is possible.

which of the following liquids has the greatest viscocity?

Carbonatite lavas show stable isotope ratios indicating they are derived from the highly alkaline silicic lavas with which they are always associated, probably by separation of an immiscible phase. Lava viscosity determines the kind of volcanic activity that takes place when the lava is erupted.

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The greater the viscosity, the greater the tendency for eruptions to be explosive rather than effusive. As a result, most lava flows on Earth, Mars, and Venus haas composed of basalt lava. When they erupt effusively, highly viscous lavas erupt almost exclusively as high-aspect flows or domes.

Obsidian flows are common.

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The crystal content of most lavas gives them thixotropic and shear thinning properties. Instead, a typical lava is a Bingham fluidwhich shows considerable resistance to flow until a stress threshold, called the yield stress, is crossed. A familiar example of plug flow is toothpaste squeezed out of a toothpaste tube. The toothpaste comes out as a semisolid plug, because shear is concentrated in a thin layer in the toothpaste next to the tube, and only here does the toothpaste behave as a fluid. Thixotropic behavior also hinders crystals from settling out of the click. Such a mixture of crystals with melted rock is sometimes described as crystal mush.

In general, lava flows slowly, with typical speeds of 0. Thereafter the lava cools by very slow conduction of heat through the rocky crust. Geologists of the United States Geological Survey regularly drilled into the Kilauea Iki lava lake, formed in an eruption in The lake was about m ft deep.

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Residual liquid was still present at depths of around 80 m ft nineteen years after the eruption. In basalt flows, this produces a characteristic pattern of fractures.

which of the following liquids has the greatest viscocity?

The uppermost parts of the flow show irregular downward-splaying fractures, while the lower part of the flow shows a very regular pattern of fractures that break the flow into viscocit? or six-sided columns. The irregular upper part of the solidified flow is called the entablature while the lower part that shows columnar jointing is called the collonade. The terms are borrowed from Greek temple architecture. Likewise, regular vertical patterns on the sides of columns, produced by cooling with periodic fracturing, are described as chisel marks.

which of the following liquids has the greatest viscocity?

These are natural features produced by cooling, thermal contraction, and fracturing. These liqudis described as pipe-stem vesicles or pipe-stem amygdales. Liquids expelled from the cooling crystal mush rise upwards into the still-fluid center of the cooling flow and produce vertical vesicle cylinders. Where these merge towards the top of the flow, sheets of vesicular basalt are formed that are sometimes capped with gas cavities. These sometimes are filled with secondary minerals.

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The beautiful amethyst geodes found in the flood basalts of South America formed in this manner. More fluid basaltic lava flows tend to form flat sheet-like bodies, whereas viscous rhyolite lava flows forms knobbly, blocky masses of rock. Lava erupted underwater has its own distinctive characteristics.]

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