Who coined the phrase manifest destiny? - digitales.com.au

Who coined the phrase manifest destiny? Video

The Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny (US History EOC Review - USHC 2.2) who coined the phrase manifest destiny? Who coined the phrase manifest destiny?

The concept of manifest destiny, coined by a newspaper editor, justified American expansion across the continent. The phrase was coined by John L. The idea of Manifest destiny was used by Americans, stating their divine calling and right to settle the whole of North America. It was the justification used in conquering territories and ousting the native people such as it was used to validate continental acquisitions in the Oregon Country, Texas, New Mexico, and California.

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Well yes because Manifest Destiny claimed that it was the objective of the United States to absorb all of North America. The land is associated with wealth, political power, and independence. Anglos believed that they are bringing civilization, democracy, and technology to the west. Which they had who coined the phrase manifest destiny? authority to do so and this included the forced removal of Native Americans and the rapid expansion of the United States intensified the issue of slavery as new states were added to the Union, leading to the outbreak of the Civil War.

During the s White Americans used the idea of Manifest destiny in click the following article they stated that it was their divine calling to conquer and settle in the whole of North America.

And this idea inspired the whit Americans to derive various means to remove and occupy the lands originally belonging to the Native Americans and this led to White American acquiring New territories in North America such as : New mexicoTexas and Present day California. Back then they thought of Native Americans as barbaric. Most had no moral objections to kicking them off of their lands and deporting them further and further west, and many did believe in Manifest Destiny. Now most look at Manifest Destiny as a period where Native culture was destroyed, and many are still mad at the governments actions back then.

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But you must take into account that Manifest Destiny made America the powerhouse that it is today. T his expression was popular in the s. Many people believed that the U. This rationale drove the acquisition of territory; the belief the U. Was "destined" to expand so its B i think. The American expansionists used the term "Manifest Destiny" to justify the belief that the United States had a God-given right and duty to spread their dominion across the continent to the Pacific Ocean.

This concept, developed in the mids, was mainly based on the belief that American people and their institutions had special virtues and potentialities, and therefore they had a duty to spread these institutions to redeem and remake the world in the image of the U. By using this site, you consent to the use of cookies.

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who coined the phrase manifest destiny?

History Answers: 1. That ideia was created by God, i mean, the destiny of america was chosen by god. Gaining of new territorie Explanation: The phrase was coined by John L. Explanation: hope this helps.

who coined the phrase manifest destiny?

Gaining of new territories C Explanation: During the s White Americans used the idea of Manifest destiny in which they stated that it was their divine calling to conquer and settle in the whole of North America. Justifiable policy to them, national disaster now Explanation: Back then they thought of Native Americans as barbaric. Was "destined" to expand so its B i think Explanation:. B because was the idea that Americans were made to civilize the American territory. Other questions on the subject: History. Destinyy?, The supreme court ruled that slaves could not sue because they could who coined the phrase manifest destiny? read. According to the sixth amendment, what can the woman do to support her court case?

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