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The year-old actress and playwright, who made a splash earlier this year in the Netflix hit Project Power, hits the screens again this week in drama Judas and the Black Messiah. Judas and the Black Messiah - watch online: streaming, buy or rent. FlixPatrol provides VOD charts and streaming charts worldwide. Looking to watch Judas and the Black Messiah? It explores racial injustice through a thoughtful and raw lens. These streaming insights are based on the official trending or the most popular movies on VOD. These streaming statistics are based on the official trending or the most popular movies on VOD. Edgar Hoover. Pictures, the company that owns the HBO Max streaming service. We cover the most-watched movies and the most popular TV shows in Black panther party quotes black panther party quotes

We should be encouraging our friends, family, students, colleagues, and co-workers to see it—regardless of what we think their politics are.

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And we should also be creating forums for both comrades and the people to watch and discuss the film and its ideas seriously, developing our grasp, together. The opening Hampton speech of the film—addressed to a student black panther party quotes at a predominantly black college—seems aimed at elements of our current moment and movements. As Hampton underscores in his critical comments, donning dashikis, renaming colleges, and blackening the public face of elite leadership, is of limited value as far as the masses are concerned.

And, as the premise of the film makes clear, skin color is no guarantee of solidarity—and thinking it is can leave an organization open quotew destructive backstabbing. Edgar Hoover and company was that the BPP grasped that black panther party quotes people across race and social movement lines share common interestsin challenging and changing this oppressive system. Certainly, as Hampton recognizes, the conditions faced by black slaves, white tenant farmers, and overseers ought not to be equated. Such underlying commonalities of interest, however, may not manifest unless one first breaches the existing social silos. Indeed, the underlying commonality may appear first as opposition, since oppressed people, hardened to survive an unjust system, may look upon strangers first as possible threats.

But with the approach—with optimism, clarity, and humor—and with a strategic focus on qiotes concerns and shared enemies, it is possible to find allies and new comrades in unexpected places.

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Even among those who may seem to uphold symbols, styles, or rhetoric anathema to radical change. But the brandishing of the gun can be effectively suicidal in a situation where the distribution of arms is so lopsided. This can also be applied to the state targeting of Martin Luther King Jr. Hampton's Panthers took ideology and education seriously. Black panther party quotes BPP were not merely a stylish armed breakfast organization, serving the people eggs on Tuesday and shotguns on Sunday.

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They were working consciously at becoming socialists, internationalists, communists, and anti-imperialists, linking the US war in Vietnam to its abuse of oppressed people at home, and expressing solidarity and developing ties to regimes abroad, from Cuba to China to Algeria. It is clear that Shaka King elected to foreground Hampton as educator—we see him more often with chalk in hand than gun. And just as Fred and Deborah study Malcolm X's speeches with care, so black panther party quotes new generation should now study Hampton's words, maybe even working from this film. On the other, the vulnerability to state coercion created by widespread criminalization creates the deadly potential for turning oppressed people against the very revolutionary organizations that aim to serve and to liberate them. At the same time, some of the most powerful displays of community support for the BPP came in the wake of the police click of their headquarters.

No one is excluded, no one immune. But how will the people grasp their black panther party quotes and come to wield it? What line will prevail? How can this film be used as a tool for advancing the struggle?

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Joseph G. Ramsey is writer, activist and organizer, based in Dorchester, Massachusetts. He can be reached at jgramsey AT gmail.

black panther party quotes

This article previously appeared in Counterpunch.]

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