Capitalism kills more than communism -

Capitalism kills more than communism

Capitalism kills more than communism - opinion

Many mass killings were committed by 20th-century communist regimes. Death estimates vary widely, depending on the definitions of the deaths which are included in them. The higher estimates of mass killings account for the crimes which governments committed against civilians, including executions, the destruction of populations through man-made hunger and deaths which occurred during forced deportations, imprisonment and deaths which resulted from forced labor. Terms which are used to define these killings include "mass killing", " democide ", " politicide ", " classicide " and " genocide. Several different terms are used to describe the intentional killing of large numbers of noncombatants. The criticism of some of the estimates were mostly focused on three aspects, namely that i the estimates were based on sparse and incomplete data when significant errors are inevitable; [41] [42] [43] ii some critics said the figures were skewed to higher possible values; [41] [44] [am] and iii some critics argued that victims of Holodomor and other man-made famines created by communist governments should not be counted. However, individuals, collectives and states that have defined themselves as communist have committed crimes in the name of communist ideology, or without naming communism as the direct source of motivation for their crimes. capitalism kills more than communism

Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Did you miss your activation email? April 20,Killd. Pictures about communism and capitalism. I found some pictures on Facebook. An article talked about responsible companies. An user said: "Responsible capitalism What do you think aboute these pictures? My answer: completely capitalism kills more than communism. Re: Pictures about communism and capitalism. So much bad here I can't even begin to address it all but- As for the second pic people die from preventable causes in every society. The largest recorded man-made convergence warframe not caused by a drought or natural disaster in history were all in Communist countries in fact. To address various things in the third pic- The capitalist era is generally viewed as starting in the early 19th century sometimes.

capitalism kills more than communism

So the " years of slavery" isn't really relevant. This is supposed to be thna comparison of communism vs capitalism, not communism vs feudalism. European countries abolishing slavery in the early 19th century was actually part of their transition into capitalism. And no, the South in the US was effectively not capitalist for that reason until after the Civil War. Communists had just as much to do with the Korean and Vietnam Wars starting so there's no reason those should be attributed solely to capitalism.

If communism is the superior system shouldn't the US have been more hurt by the embargo than Cuba? That's not a real argument. And then that graphic is just capitalism kills more than communism BS. Lots of economies grow fast a period of time when the starting point is low and industrialization had already started in the late czarist era comnunism capitalism kills more than communism likely slowed down by the revolution, not sped up by it.

Easy to have zero percent unemployment when you force millions of people into slave labor camps in Siberia. High calorie consumption is not neccesarily the mark of a quality diet and I'd also question what source that was from. There clearly was not all that much calorie consumption going on during the 30's or post WWII famines. Given how homogeneous Russia is not sure how big an achievement "racial equality" is and it is also a dubious assertion given the intense antisemitism, killings and discrimination of non Russian Slavs, and colonial relationship with their satellite states that they had. When the USSR first started for its time they were extremely advanced please click for source terms of women's rights but given the rigid system they had there were no changes after that.

So by the 80's they were behind the West. Not sure on the source of the doctor thing, but I'm gonna guess there weren't many after Stalin killed all of them tthan the 30's for being too bougie. It's just a classic gish gallop.

capitalism kills more than communism

The strategy for combatting a gish gallop is to select the most absurd claim and cast doubt on that as proxy for all the other claims also being false. So let's look at "East Timorese Crisis: K dead" in the third graphic.

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Have you ever communosm of the East Timorese Crisis? Did you know this was a war America fought in? I hadn't, I had to look this up. Apparently in the citizens of East Timor Timor Leste today held a referendum and voted for independence from Indonesia. Indonesia-backed militias tried to terrorize people into voting against the referendum, and started killing and displacing thousands of people, mainly in the capital city.

capitalism kills more than communism

The U.]

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