City of karratha -

City of karratha - was

Exact 5 10 25 50 All 2 Days 1 Week 2 Weeks 1 Month. Relevance Date. Any Industry Source: uWorkin. Are you an inspiring individual who can motivate others to participate and achieve? The successful applicant will demonstrate commitment to supporting student achievement through a positive approach to student learning. The City of Karratha has a new state of the art theatre the Red Earth Arts Precinct, which hosts many local and travelling productions throughout the year. city of karratha City of karratha

City of karratha Video

City of Karratha's Red Earth Arts Precinct city of karratha

PRIME MINISTER: Thank you Peter, and thank you Uncle David, for that wonderful welcome to country and can I also city of karratha the Krratha people, elders past and present, but like you, to acknowledge those emerging leaders that are coming through — not just here, not with the Ngarluma people, but right across the country, we're seeing that. And I know that must be very encouraging both to you, but I think it is to the entire country.

If there are any servicemen and women here today or Defence Force veterans, can I say thank you to you for the incredible service you've given to our country and acknowledge that, and thank you on behalf of a grateful nation.

It's great to be here at the Pilbara. It's great to be here in the community of Karratha.

city of karratha

And that's what I want to underscore — this is a city, this is a living city and a city with great aspirations and great vision. We're standing amongst some of that vision — the Red Earth said it and I can tell you, I've got red earth on my boots today, having been out at Fortescue, the Christmas Creek mine, and spending some time there with the many workers out there overnight and today. And Melissa makes an extremely important point, whether it's in that part dei imitatio the resource sector, Peter, or many others that you mentioned so disparate and diverse here, based here out of Karratha. It has been the resources sector of Australia over the course of the last 18 months, and particularly here in City of karratha Australia, that has underpinned, underwrote so much of Australia's economic performance over this most city of karratha time.

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Other sectors have been devastated. And that devastation, frankly, over the last 18 months and a bit longer hasn't just been because of COVID. We have had floods, we have had fires. And very city of karratha to hear more recently, we've had cyclones and Melissa and I will be going down to Kalbarri later today and touring those most affected areas. But despite all of that, all the tempests, all the pandemics, the resources sector here in Western Australia, and particularly here city of karratha the Pilbara, has pushed on and underpinned what has been a remarkable performance by Australia more broadly, so that we can say today there are more people employed in Australia today than they were at the start of the pandemic.

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And we can say that also about Western Australia. And I think that is a great achievement of our nation over what has been one of the most difficult times we've faced in 75 years. So, we emerge strong from the pandemic and the recession that it has caused. City of karratha I appreciate about the Karratha community, as I said, is it's just that — this is not some fly-in fly-out town. This is not the mining town as those of us suburbanites from the east coast or other places might think of things pf this.

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This is read more living community with great resources, with a vision for where it wants to be in the future, for families to come and live and raise oc kids and enjoy the best of life here in Western City of karratha. And that's our vision as well. That's why we've invested here, and when the former Prime Minister came and gave that, I was happy to be the Treasurer that gave him the cheque that he could bring. And our investment in regional communities all around Australia is something that I, and the Deputy Prime Minister as well, feel very, very strongly about. And Melissa as your representative, representing about two-thirds of the state of Western Australia, it's an enormous area for any other Member of Parliament to get their head around, particularly when you come here and you see it on the ground.

city of karratha

But it really is about ensuring that vibrancy in these communities and it's really about ensuring the diversity of economic opportunities. And so whether it is the, sort of, the living city infrastructure you need in a place such as this, or it's the Headspace facilities that we were larratha to establish that Melissa championed to ensure that the important social services that are put into communities city of karratha there to sustain and support communities.]

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