Communicative language teaching advantages and disadvantages -

Communicative language teaching advantages and disadvantages - with

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Communication with extraterrestrial intelligence or CETIis a branch of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence that focuses on composing and deciphering interstellar messages that theoretically could be understood by another technological civilization. CETI research has focused on four broad areas: mathematical languages, pictorial systems such as the Arecibo messagealgorithmic communication systems ACETIand computational approaches to detecting and deciphering "natural" language communication.

communicative language teaching advantages and disadvantages

There remain many undeciphered writing systems in human communication, such as Linear Adiscovered by archeologists. Much of the research effort is directed at how to overcome similar problems of decipherment that arise in many scenarios of interplanetary communication.

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On 13 Februaryscientists including Douglas VakochDavid GrinspoonSeth Shostakand David Brin at an annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciencediscussed Active SETI and whether transmitting a message to possible intelligent extraterrestrials in the cosmos was a good idea. In Juneastronomers from the University of Nottingham reported the possible existence of over 30 "active communicating intelligent civilizations" none within our current ability to detect due to various reasons including distance or size in our own Milky Way galaxybased on the latest astrophysical information. Communicative language teaching advantages and disadvantages the 19th century, many books and articles speculated about the possible inhabitants of other planets. Since travel to other planets was not possible at the time, some people suggested ways to signal extraterrestrials even before radio was discovered.

Carl Friedrich Gauss is often credited with an proposal that a giant triangle and three squares, the Pythagorascould be drawn on the Siberian tundra. The outlines of the shapes would have been ten-mile-wide strips of pine forest, whereas the interiors could be filled with rye or wheat.

Advantages and disadvantages of CLT | Methods of Language Teaching

Joseph Johann Littrow proposed in to use the Sahara as a sort of blackboard. Giant trenches several hundred yards wide could delineate twenty-mile-wide shapes.

communicative language teaching advantages and disadvantages

Then disadvxntages trenches would be filled with water, and then enough kerosene could be poured on top of the water to burn for six hours. Using this method, a different signal could be sent every night. Meanwhile, other astronomers were looking for signs of life on other planets. InFranz von Gruithuisen thought he saw a giant city and evidence of agriculture on the Moon, but astronomers using more powerful instruments refuted his claims. Gruithuisen also believed he saw evidence of life on Venus.

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Ashen light had previously been observed on the dark side of Venus, and he postulated that it was caused by a great fire festival put on by teacuing inhabitants to celebrate their new emperor. Later he revised his position, stating that the Venusians could burning their rainforest to make more farmland. By the late s, the possibility of life communicative language teaching advantages and disadvantages the Moon was put to rest.

Astronomers at that time believed in the Kant-Laplace hypothesiswhich stated that the farthest planets from the sun are the oldest — therefore Mars was more likely to have advanced civilizations than Venus. InGiovanni Schiaparelli announced he had discovered "canali" "channels" in Italian, which occur naturally, and mistranslated as "canals", which are artificial on Mars. This was followed by thirty years of enthusiasm about the possibility of life on Mars.]

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