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Concentration camp quotes

Concentration camp quotes Video

Jocko Podcast 219 w/ Rose Schindler: Auschwitz Survivor. Never Give Up Hope. concentration camp quotes concentration camp quotes

Patriotic Articles War and Tragedy. Army Reserve Sgt. Soldiers of the 86th Training Division glimpsed the past during a Days of Remembrance observation April 9, Jeno Berta, command judge advocate, 86th Training Division and the coordinator of the event. Observances and remembrance activities were held nationwide from April 4 to 11, Miguel A. Castellanos leftcommanding general, 84th Training Command, accompanied by Brig.

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Army Reserve photo by Sgt. Dachau was a Nazi concentration camp opened Marchinitially intended to hold political prisoners. Byapproximately 30, prisoners were held in the camp.

concentration camp quotes

On April 29,the United States entered the camp and liberated thousands of prisoners. Sitter spoke with Soldiers of the training division about his enlistment, his time with the Army, concentration camp quotes the liberation, and his life after the Army. All quotew saw were bodies piled on flatcars and people were streaming out when we got there.

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While he may not have been in Dachau, those displaced persons who were liberated that day are grateful for his contribution. Due to that, Berta coordinated a surprise for Sitter. Berta reached out to a personal contact, Dr. Elly Gotz was a survivor of Dachau.

Gotz and his father were in the concentration camp when it was liberated, weighing 75 and 65 pounds respectively. Gotz believes had they been liberated concentration camp quotes a day later that his father would not have survived.

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Sitter and Gotz were able to communicate for the first time via a Zoom application while on stage at the remembrance. The concentration camp quotes men spoke at length, Gotz thanking Sitter for his part in the liberation and the two subsequently promising to share their books and keep in touch. While they share such a connection, Sitter has never returned to Dachau as his memories are too graphic for him, however, Gotz said he has returned multiple times. Army Gifts U. Army Army National Guard U. Department of Defense.]

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