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C\u0026C B.1 What is Copyright Infringement, and Why Does it Matter? copyright case study copyright case study

A 55 year old male with a pack-year smoking history was transferred to our hospital for evaluation of new onset neurologic deficits including slurred speech, aphasia, and right upper extremity diminished dexterity and copyright case study. CT chest was remarkable for a mass in the superior segment of the left lower lobe. Needle core biopsy of the lung mass revealed poorly differentiated non-small cell carcinoma.

Head MRI demonstrated an enhancing mass in the left frontoparietal junction that was concerning for metastasis from a lung primary. The patient was started on chemotherapy as an outpatient. Follow-up imaging showed growth of the brain mass. A portion of the brain biopsy was submitted for bacterial smear and culture. The aerobic culture grew copyright case study white colonies that, when stained with modified acid-fast stain, showed modified acid-fast positive filamentous bacteria, suspicious for Nocardia spp.

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Bacteria of similar morphology were also seen in the surgical pathology specimen when stained for modified AFB and with GMS. Nocardia is a genus of aerobic, catalase positive, saprophytic bacteria often found in the environment, but that can also be considered as normal flora on skin and in the copyribht tract. Nocardia species are variably acid-fast; for proper identification they must be stained with a modified copyright case study procedure Fite, Kinyuonusing a weaker decolorizing acid. Nocardia will be negative by traditional acid-fast staining procedures Ziehl—Neelsen.

copyright case study

Multiple species are copyright case study human pathogens, including N. These organisms can cause disease in immunocompromised patients if inhaled or inoculated via trauma. If there is an established pulmonary infection, Nocardia may spread hematogenously, often infecting the brain. Central nervous system nocardiosis may occur in any region in the brain studu can present with mass effect symptoms without typical infectious symptoms, as in our patient. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account.

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  1. Very good information

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