Definition sickness -

Definition sickness Video

Illness - sickness - disease - difference - 07 2020 definition sickness definition sickness

Leprosyalso known as Hansen's disease HDis a long-term infection by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae or Mycobacterium lepromatosis. Leprosy is spread between people, although extensive contact is necessary. Leprosy is curable with multidrug therapy. Leprosy has affected humanity for thousands of years.

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Common symptoms present in the different types of leprosy include a runny nose; dry scalp; eye problems; skin lesions; muscle weakness; reddish skin; smooth, shiny, diffuse thickening of facial skin, ear, and hand; loss of sensation in fingers and toes; thickening of peripheral definition sickness a flat nose indian appropriation to destruction of nasal cartilage; and changes in phonation and other aspects of speech production.

Leprosy can affect people in different ways. Damage to nerves may cause loss of muscle function, leading to paralysis. It may also lead to sensation abnormalities or numbnesswhich may lead to additional infections, ulcerations, definition sickness joint deformities.

Spirochetes as Parasites

Genetically, M. While the causative organisms article source to date been impossible to culture in vitroit has been possible to grow them in animals such as mice and armadillos. Naturally occurring infection has been reported in nonhuman primates including the African chimpanzeethe sooty mangabey definition sickness, and the cynomolgus macaquearmadillos, [38] and red squirrels. Red squirrels Sciurus vulgarisa threatened species in Great Britainwere found to carry leprosy in November The greatest risk factor for developing leprosy is contact with another person infected by leprosy.

Conditions definition sickness reduce immune function, such as malnutrition, other illnesses, or genetic mutations, may increase the risk of developing leprosy.

definition sickness

Transmission of leprosy occurs during close contact with those who are infected. Leprosy is not sexually transmitted and is not spread through pregnancy to the unborn child.]

One thought on “Definition sickness

  1. Bravo, what excellent message

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