Dual consciousness - digitales.com.au

Dual consciousness - remarkable, the

The Arcturian Group: Duality Consciousness Posted on by EraOfLight Dear readers, we along with many from the higher dimensions, are working to assist, remind, and help the people of earth understand that something profound is taking place that far exceeds appearances and the understanding of most. Remember, consciousness is the substance of form because consciousness is all that exists. Personally and globally, mind automatically draws from consciousness to form the material. Mind is matter. Over time the masters have taught that the world is illusion but this has been not been correctly understood by most. The world is not illusion, it is a perfect spiritual expression of Source. It is the false hypnotized sense of the spiritual universe that constitutes the illusion. You would not be reading or even understanding these messages if you were still fully in third dimensional consciousness. This can make being around family, friends, employers, and so called experts who are fully enmeshed in third dimensional energy, difficult. dual consciousness

Dual consciousness Video

Two Minds in One Brain

How The Veil And Double Consciousness Theory

Remember, consciousness learn more here the substance of form because consciousness is all that exists. Personally dual consciousness globally, mind automatically draws from consciousness to form the conscilusness. Mind is matter. Over time the masters have taught that the world is illusion but this has been not been correctly understood by most. The world is not illusion, it is a perfect spiritual expression of Source. It is the false hypnotized sense of the spiritual universe that constitutes the illusion. You would not be reading or even understanding these messages if you were still fully in third dimensional consciousness. This can make being around family, friends, employers, and so called experts who are fully dual consciousness in third dimensional energy, difficult.

Over the course of many, many lifetimes, everyone has experienced fear, loss, torture, and occasionally happiness. You have experienced both poverty and wealth, disease and health, killed and been killed. You conscioueness both peacemaker and war see more. You were taught that you were better and more valuable than others and acted accordingly consciousnesz then returned to experience lives in which you were considered to be and treated as worthless. Everyone is at their own unique place along the dual consciousness toward realization so the negative experiences that you may lovingly want to remove from another, may very well be the very experiences the person needs and chose pre-birth for spiritual growth.

Conscioudness allow your intuition to guide you in these matters because for some, the experience of total failure may be an integral part of their soul plan. Always honor the free will of others even when you can easily see a better way. However, cpnsciousness painful experiences of the past consiousness form pockets of dense energy that are carried with you for long periods of time. You have paid your dues, learned, evolved, and are ready to move into spiritual empowerment if you choose, but for most it includes a period of releasing and clearing remaining pockets of old energy.

It the ability to accept or reject without fear, news facts, societal beliefs of right and wrong, religious doctrine, etc. It is knowing that it is ok choose who to love or be with in partnership and to stop warring with people simply because their beliefs may be different. It is the freedom to choose your life, beliefs, and actions through the realization that you are dual consciousness a powerless human who must please some old man in the sky.

You have done the work and are prepared to fully embrace that there is only ONE and therefore because there is dual consciousness else, you can only be of that ONE. No more dancing around truth, by continuing with classes, rituals, and ceremonies designed to dual consciousness the attention of a God separate from you. They helped you evolve to where you are now, but you no longer need the metaphysical tools. These are the times of tremendous change that you hoped, prayed, and dual consciousness for even though it may not seem that way or be what you were expecting.

The increasing presence and integration of high resonating energy is affecting the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of all—those who understand what is going on as well as those who do not. People are experiencing aches and pains in the physical that often come and go. For many, deep and painful emotions are surfacing seemingly from nowhere.

Karl Marx 's ' The Soul Of Black Folks '

Mentally, the whole world is beginning to examine and evaluate personal and dual consciousness belief systems that no longer seem to be working. This is because as long buried, denied, or held in conscilusness energies surface, those of that state of consciousness can easily align with them.

They are not always aware of the impact of their actions because the denser energies feel new and valid to them.]

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