Effects of human overpopulation - digitales.com.au

Effects of human overpopulation - valuable message

I have been saying in previous videos that the Corona-con JABS will have the capability to not only change human DNA, but can also enable a persons thoughts and actions to be influenced by remote control.. I can understand if some people thought that I was losing the plot, but I can assure the doubters that this technology absolutely exists and is going to used en-mass through the implementation of the CV19 JABS.. If you watch this video you will see the professor confirm what I have been saying in my videos for many months, in that it is now possible to control the mind of another person by remote control and to also take control over their physical body movements, thoughts and functions.. I also wanna say that even this technology is still far behind the latest advancements which are kept from the public domain and are often used against the general public. I remember watching a documentary online many years ago in which a whistle blower stated that the current technology that we see being brought into the public domain is already over 25 years old, that has continued to make me aware that the so called latest advancements are in essence old technology.. He also says that it is possible to programme a cell and direct it to target ANY part of the body, including the brain which can then also be reprogrammed and controlled from an outside force. Such is the level of accuracy of this technology that miniature nanobots about the size of dust particles can be programmed to attack any portion of the body to deliver a payload or virus directly into the bloodstream, organs, brain, eyes etc. The reprogrammed DNA cells can also lie dormant in whichever portion of the body it has been directed to and can remain there undetected until the appropriate electronic signal is delivered to re-activate it.

Effects of human overpopulation - speaking

Of course, nobody in a civilised society would object against this position. The absence of sexual violence and oppression is a necessary but not a sufficient condition to fulfil that right. Given present and future hardships in many countries, UNFPA should prioritize new international family planning programmes aiming at birth control through voluntary choice, backed up by information and outreach regarding the costs of overpopulation in poor as well as rich countries. By Jan van Weeren There are two fundamental reasons that people have governments. The government should warrant that nothing is taken from you against your will, neither by your countrymen nor by a foreign power. The second and maybe the most important reason is the protection of your physical integrity. This is not only a matter of preventing you from being molested or even killed; the government should also intervene if your health is threatened by disease or the actions of others, e. Your physical integrity is also at stake if you live in a situation of water or food shortage or malnourishment. In such cases, the government is expected to make an all-out effort to save you from starvation. effects of human overpopulation Effects of human overpopulation

Overpopulation and Birth Control

Learn More It must be noted that since the Philippines is a predominantly Catholic country, it was the influences of the Catholic Church that made the use of birth control highly controversial, resulting in a drop in its usage. The problem in this case, as explained by Kunzig, is the fact that the concept of actually being able to choose when to have a child and how many cannot be relied effects of human overpopulation due to the inherent aspects of human nature Kunzig, 1.

effects of human overpopulation

The only viable method that gives people the ability to choose while at overpopulwtion same time is a viable method of population reduction is the use of birth control. Birth Effects of human overpopulation and Modern-Day Precedent On the side of birth control as an effective means of population control is the fact that modern-day precedent has shown that birth control works in reducing populations. Studies show that this was due to a combination of government education programs and the media showing the value of having small families and the use of birth control with free distributions of contraceptives among the local population.

Such reversals through the use of education and birth effecta can also be seen in countries such as Costa Rica, Cuba, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, and Morocco, wherein through the embrace of birth control methods and contraceptives, the populations of such countries were lowered to manageable levels Whitty, 1.

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While it may be true that such methods run the risk of creating pressure for quick results while increasing the temptation to resort to extraordinary measures, the fact remains that they have been proven to effectively and as such a viable method of controlling global populations Connely, 1. Birth Control and Historical Precedent Birth control as a means of preventing unwanted pregnancies and control populations is not a modern concept at all and can be seen in various cultures throughout history. For example, the Chinese used certain oiled silk paper forms effects of human overpopulation prevent semen from entering the vagina. At the same time, the Japanese, on the other hand, utilized an entirely different, if not strange, the concept of using fine leather or tortoiseshells to cover the head of the penis and capture the semen within Whitty, 1. While it may be true that such methods seem laughable today, they were one of the first attempts at trying to prevent women from having unwanted pregnancies.

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The fact is even cultures from the past recognized the need to limit children; however, they understood the folly of overpouplation on human will or abstinence as an effective means of birth control since many among them usually broke such vows within a few weeks of enacting them.

The fact is man is an inherently sexual creature described by Freud in his various studies examining human nature. While there are few historical records on whether such methods of birth control were effective, the fact remains that ovefpopulation they continued for several thousand years shows that even in the past, they were considered an effective means of population control effects of human overpopulation as such could also be considered effective as well in the future due to vastly effects of human overpopulation effective means in the present. Birth Control and Science Various studies conducted throughout the years have shown that birth control has been scientifically proven to effectively reduce and control the rate of pregnancies within a country. The use of birth control in the form of condoms, birth control pills, vaginal sponges, and vasectomies have over the years proven their worth in populations in Europe and the U.]

effects of human overpopulation

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