Gay marriage video youtube -

Gay marriage video youtube

Gay marriage video youtube Video

Gay marriage video youtube - that

Save No church has been spared from the woes of the coronavirus. In sometimes intense counseling sessions, pastors frequently remind me of that. Last August, I met with a pastor who told me of his decision to quit his church position entirely, and he did, leaving his church, which was not yet meeting publicly, high and dry. On Sunday, the service was broadcast from their YouTube channel. He insisted we meet at night. He told me with the pandemic changing his normal rhythms, he is drinking more than ever in his life. Forty years ago, early in my campus ministry at the University of Illinois, I found myself embroiled with a board member over, of all things, Christian baptism. gay marriage video youtube

Yes, I am a bible believing Christian, but no, my head isn’t about to explode over gay marriage.

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gay marriage video youtube

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