Generalization in classical conditioning -

Generalization in classical conditioning

Generalization in classical conditioning - apologise

Here we report such recordings from mushroom body extrinsic neurons — which belong to a recurrent tract connecting the output of the mushroom body with its input, potentially providing inhibitory feedback — and other extrinsic neurons. The neurons' responses to the learned odor and two novel control odors were measured 24 h after learning. We found that calcium responses to the learned odor and an odor that was strongly generalized with it were enhanced compared with responses to a weakly generalized control. Thus, the physiological responses measured in these extrinsic neurons accurately reflect what is observed in behavior. We conclude that the recorded recurrent neurons feed information back to the mushroom body about the features of learned odor stimuli. generalization in classical conditioning

Generalization in classical conditioning Video

The difference between classical and operant conditioning - Peggy Andover

The key to classical conditioning is that we learn through association, which is quite different from operant conditioning in which we learn through consequence.

generalization in classical conditioning

When Ivan Pavlov was studying the process of salivation in dogs, he made an accidental, but really important discovery—classical conditioning. He discovered that after pairing the appearance of the researcher with the delivery of food a number of times, the dogs began to salivate as soon as im researcher walked into the room even when he or she was not carrying any food.


Here is a list of the steps of the classically genneralization learning process: Here is another example of the steps of the classical conditioning process: You have moved into a new apartment building. The first time you take a shower happens to correspond with the time when someone flushes the toilet.

generalization in classical conditioning

As a result of this flushing, the water in the shower becomes very hot. Now, because of this experience, each time you hear the toilet flush, you jump out of the shower before the temperature of the water changes.

generalization in classical conditioning

NS: Sound of the flushing of the toilet UCS: Hot water UCR: Jumping out of the shower because of the hot water CS: Sound of the flushing of the toilet CR: Jumping out of the shower because of the sound of the flushing toilet Now, complete the following: Part 1 Think of a classically conditioned response you have experienced and describe the process of learning this response what was the process you went through in becoming classically generalization in classical conditioning in this response.

Be sure to identify the following: Neutral stimulus NS.]

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