Herodotus and thucydides compare and contrast - digitales.com.au

herodotus and thucydides compare and contrast

At the age of 30, Xenophon was elected a commander of one of the biggest Greek mercenary armies, the Ten Thousandthat marched on and came close to capturing Babylon in BC. As the military historian Theodore Ayrault Dodge wrote, "the centuries since have devised nothing to surpass the genius of this warrior".

Xenophon's Anabasis recounts his adventures with the Ten Thousand while in the service of Cyrus the YoungerCyrus's failed campaign to claim the Persian throne from Artaxerxes II of Persiaand the return of Greek mercenaries after Cyrus's death in the Battle of Cunaxa. Anabasis is a unique first-hand, humble, and self-reflective account of military leader's experience in antiquity. A student and a friend of SocratesXenophon recounted several Socratic dialogues — SymposiumOeconomicusHieroa tribute to Socrates — Memorabiliaand a chronicle of the philosopher's herodotus and thucydides compare and contrast in BC — Apology of Socrates to the Jury. Reading Xenophon's Memorabilia inspired Zeno of Citium to change his life and start the Stoic school of philosophy.

herodotus and thucydides compare and contrast

For at least two millennia, Xenophon's many talents fueled the debate of whether to place Xenophon with generals, historians or philosophers. For the majority of time in the past two millennia, Xenophon was recognized as a philosopher. Quintilian in The Orator's Education discusses the most prominent historians, orators and philosophers as examples of eloquence and recognizes Xenophon's historical work, but ultimately places Xenophon next to Plato as a philosopher. Today, Xenophon is best known for his historical works.

Despite being born an Athenian citizen, Xenophon came to be associated with Spartathe traditional opponent of Athens.

The Literary Analysis Of The Herodotus Of Halicarnassus

Much of what is known today about the Spartan society comes from Xenophon's works — the royal biography of the Spartan king Agesilaus and the Constitution of the Lacedaemonians. Xenophon is recognized as one of the greatest writers of antiquity. Xenophon's works span multiple genres and are written in plain Attic Greekwhich is why they have often been used in translation exercises for contemporary students of the Ancient Greek language.

herodotus and thucydides compare and contrast

Roman orator, attorney and teacher of rhetoric Quintilian echos Cicero in The Orator's Education saying "the Graces themselves seem to have molded his style and the goddess of persuasion sat upon his lips". Xenophon was born around BC, in the deme Erchia of Athens. Xenophon's father, Gryllus was a member of a wealthy equestrian family. Detailed account of Xenophon's life starts BC. Personally invited by Proxenus ghucydides Beotia Anabasis 3.

Heroadotus : Primary Source Analysis : Herodotus Of Halicarnassus

The Anabasis is a narrative of how "Xenophon rouses the despairing Greeks thicydides action and leads them on their herodotus and thucydides compare and contrast march home; and the narrative of his successes has won him noteworthy if uneven admiration for over two millennia. Xenophon writes that he asked Socrates for advice on whether to go with Cyrus, and that Socrates referred him to the divinely inspired Pythia. Xenophon's query to the oracle, however, was not whether or not to accept Cyrus' invitation, but "to which of the gods he must pray and do sacrifice, so that he might best accomplish his intended journey and return in safety, with good fortune". The oracle answered his question and told him which gods to pray and sacrifice to. When Xenophon returned to Athens and told Socrates of the oracle's advice, Socrates chastised him for asking so disingenuous a question Anabasis 3.

Effects of the Peloponnesian War

Under the pretext of fighting Anfthe Persian satrap of IoniaCyrus assembled a massive army composed of native Persian soldiers, but also https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/african-slaves-during-the-nineteenth-century/ragged-dick-analysis.php large number of Greeks. Prior to waging war against Artaxerxes, Cyrus proposed that the enemy was the Pisidiansand so the Greeks were unaware that they were to battle against the larger army of King Artaxerxes II Anabasis 1. At Tarsus the soldiers became aware of Cyrus's plans to depose the king, and as a result, refused to continue Anabasis 1. However, Clearchusa Spartan general, convinced the Greeks to continue with the expedition. Despite effective fighting by the Greeks, Cyrus was killed in the battle Anabasis 1. Shortly thereafter, Clearchus was treacherously invited by Tissaphernes to a feast, where, alongside four other generals and many captains, including Xenophon's friend Proxenus, he was captured and executed Anabasis 2.

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The mercenariesknown as the Ten Thousandfound themselves without leadership far herodotus and thucydides compare and contrast the sea, deep in hostile territory near the heart of Mesopotamiawith a hostile population and armies to deal with. They elected new leaders, including Xenophon himself. Dodge says of Xenophon's generalship, "Xenophon is the father of the system of retreat, the originator of all that appertains to the science of rear-guard fighting. He reduced its management to a perfect method. More originality in tactics has come from the Anabasis than from any dozen other books. Every system of war looks to this as to the fountain-head when it comes to rearward movements, as it looks to Alexander for a pattern of resistless and intelligent advance.

herodotus and thucydides compare and contrast

Necessity to Xenophon was truly the mother of invention, but the centuries since have devised nothing to surpass the genius of this warrior.]

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