Human papillomavirus research paper -

Human papillomavirus research paper

Human papillomavirus research paper Video

Human Papillomavirus - HPV - Nucleus Health human papillomavirus research paper.

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Most sexually active men and women will contract HPV at least papilloomavirus in their lifetime, but there are over forty types of HPV. These four types of HPV are very dangerous to one? Seventy nine million people are currently affected by HPV, and fourteen million new cases of HPV human papillomavirus research paper recorded each year. Heat capacity topic is of high interest to me because so many people are affected by HPV, and also because the controversy about the new vaccination and its affect against HPV. Human papilloma virus HPV affects millions of men and women, and specific types of HPV can cause genital warts or cancer of the cervix, vulva, penis, vagina, oropharynx, or anus. Men and women are both affected by HPV, but more women than men are affected and HPV cause severe health concerns in women.

human papillomavirus research paper

Women are more negatively affected by HPV, so more education is needed for better outcomes in women? Women need to be educated on the importance of safe sex, HPV vaccinations, and the affects contracting HPV would have on one?

Materials and Methods

Women need to get their routine Pap smear test done because human papillomavirus research paper is how HPV is diagnosed. The cells that are scraped human papillomavirus research paper the cervix during a Pap smear are examined under a microscope, and if there are abnormal cells found these cells can possible change into genital warts or cancer. Cancer that is caught early has a better prognosis, so understanding risk factors, preventive measures, and early purdue owl resume can save lives. There is no cure for HPV but there are three vaccinations that are readily available to prevent the disease. FDA and CDC have approved Cervarix, Gardasil, and Gardasil 9 as safe and effective HPV vaccinations, but there is controversy on the ages the vaccinations are given and the idea that it is protecting against a sexually transmitted disease Knox, For example, some mothers do not want to protect there eleven year old daughter or son from a STI because it seems as if she is expecting her child to have sex, but if the vaccination is done after the child is sexually active it may be to late for protection against HPV.

Two questions related to the human papilloma virus HPV infection that I would like to explore and explained are: 1.

human papillomavirus research paper

What are the four types of HPV that do not go away and are very dangerous to one? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the HPV vaccines, and how the vaccines work to prevent most types of HPV? The four types out of forty types of HPV that do not go away and are dangerous to one?

human papillomavirus research paper

On the other hand, HPV types 6 and 11 are low-risk types reserch pose insignificant effects on the health conditions of the affected patient population. The advantage of most HPV vaccines is that they prevent cervical cancer as well as preventing HPV types 16 and 18 infections Riethmuller et al.

Topic: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and the Fight to Protect Men?s and Women?s Health

The vaccines only protect one from being infected with particular HPV types. There is likelihood that the HPV vaccines could prevent HPV-related cancers, such as those cancers affecting the penis, head and neck areas though studies are yet to prove this. The vaccines work to prevent most types of HPV through stimulation human papillomavirus research paper the immune system of the body Szarewski et al. In response, as if the person actually had the HPV virus, antibodies to the specific HPV types are produced by the body. In most cases, HPV vaccines only prevent infections by some of the most common HPV types and may minimize the risks of being infected with cervical, vulvar, vaginal, anal cancers, pre-cancers and genital warts.


Research Review Human papillomavirus research paper, A. BMC Infectious Diseases, 14 1 In particular, the authors hypothesized that the epidemiology of HPV was poorly understood among Saudi women. In to verify the hypothesis, the researchers conducted an observational cross-sectional study, where cervical samples were taken for examination and a questionnaire on HPV infection were given to patients receiving routine gynecological services. Of more significance, the study established that only Smith, M. Plos ONE, 9 8 Szarewski, A.]

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