Inductive research approach -

Inductive research approach

Inductive research approach - consider, that

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Abstract Background Chemoprevention is one of several methods that have been developed inductive research approach help high-risk women reduce their risk of breast cancer. Reasons for the low uptake of chemoprevention are poorly understood. Methods This research is based on a parent project that included fifty in-depth, semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of African American and White women at elevated risk of breast cancer. This specific inductive research approach draws on the forty-seven interviews conducted with women at high or severe risk of breast cancer, all of whom are eligible to use chemoprevention for breast cancer risk-reduction. Interviews were analyzed using grounded theory methods. Women who had seen specialists were more likely to be aware, particularly if they had ongoing specialist access.

Aware and unaware inductivee relied on different types of sources for prevention-related information.

What is Deductive Research?

Those whose main source of information was a healthcare provider were more likely to know about chemoprevention. Aware women used more nuanced information gathering strategies and worried more about inductive research approach. Women simultaneously considered all see more options they knew about.

Those who knew about chemoprevention but were reluctant to use it felt this way for multiple reasons, having to do with potential side effects, perceived extreme-ness of the intervention, similarity to chemotherapy, unknown information about chemoprevention, and reluctance to take medications in general. Peer Review reports Background For many women at high risk of breast cancer due to family history or known genetic mutation, managing that risk is a key psychological concern. Reasons for low use of chemoprevention are not yet fully understood, but prior studies have illuminated several important factors associated with low uptake of preventive medication or the rarer choice to use chemoprevention. A variety of provider-level barriers also impede chemoprevention usage, however, including lack of confidence in using risk-prediction models to identify high-risk patients, and lack of confidence discussing risk or prescribing chemoprevention medications [ 2020inductive research approach23 ].

The mechanisms of these associations, however, are underexplored. Study designs have usually involved explicitly educating women about chemoprevention within the context of inductive research approach study. In addition, while lack of awareness and insufficient knowledge are among the top known barriers to chemoprevention uptake [ 143037 ], few studies have examined how women who are aware of chemoprevention differ from those who are not. Awareness of this problem has begun to cause a shift, with a few studies beginning to enroll more multi-racial participant groups [ 19253539 ].

What is Inductive Research?

The parent study generated 50 open-ended qualitative interviews with White and African American women at elevated risk of breast cancer. Methods For the parent project upon which inductive research approach paper is based, fifty semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted by the first author Principal Investigator between May and March The relevant interview protocol was developed specifically for this study see Additional file 1 [ 40 ].

inductive research approach

Eligible participants were reswarch least 18 years old with an elevated risk of breast cancer but no personal history of cancer [ 41 ]. Interviews were conducted in-person or via telephone and lasted 22— min. Iterative data analyses described below occurred alongside data collection, and the decision to stop conducting interviews was made once it was clear that saturated information had been collected about all the core emergent interview themes inductive research approach 42 ]. Interviews covered a range of topics, including perceived breast cancer risk; sources inductive research approach content of risk information; understanding and consideration of prevention options; decision-making processes and networks; and psychosocial well-being.

Other findings from the parent project have been published and are under review elsewhere [ 3434345 ]. For the specific study presented in this paper, analyses were limited to the 47 participants whose breast cancer risk was sufficiently high to render them eligible to use chemoprevention. Transcribed data were checked by the first author for accuracy and then analyzed in five stages, using please click for source constructivist grounded theory approach [ 42 ]. First, three separate coders used open coding to generate exhaustive lists of themes present in the first eight interviews; these lists were compared a;proach generate one researcn list of emergent themes.

Related themes were then organized into categories. NVivo 11 qualitative data management software was used throughout this and the following stage of analysis. Additional themes and categories emerged during systematic exploration of the data. Transcription, coding, and memo-ing stages all began while interviews were still being inductive research approach, so that insights gained from analysis of early interviews could be reflected in the content of later interviews. By the end of data collection, all themes were theoretically saturated [ 4246 ]. The third stage of analysis involved in-depth exploration of themes and categories created in previous stages, using Excel tables that mapped relationships among themes, categories, and groups of participants, as well as memos that explored the content and boundaries of themes and categories.

inductive research approach

tesearch We therefore click here participants into aware and unaware groups, and then examined those two groups further to compare them with respect to inductive research approach emergent themes and distinctions that had emerged from inductive analysis.

These themes included: exposure to breast cancer of a loved one; cancer worry; race; financial issues and SES; the presence of comorbid conditions; interactions with healthcare professionals; preferences toward and experiences with gathering information; body image and sexuality; and perceptions of risk and health beliefs. The first author was involved in all parts of the project: study design, data collection, and all stages of analysis and theory building. This consistent engagement ensured the continuous presence of inductive research approach high level of expertise relevant to both the substance and the methodology of the study.]

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