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John Marshall, the Commerce Clause and Gibbons v Ogden john marshall gibbons v ogden John marshall gibbons v ogden

John Marshall September 24, — July 6, was an American politician and lawyer who served as the fourth Chief Justice of the United States from to Marshall remains the longest-serving chief justice and fourth-longest serving justice in Supreme Court history, and he is jhon regarded as one of the most influential justices to ever sit on the Supreme Court.

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Marshall was born in Fauquier County, Virginia in After the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, he joined the Continental Army, serving in numerous battles. During the later stages of the war, he was admitted to the state bar and won election to the Virginia House of Delegates. Marshall favored the ratification of the United States Constitution, and he played a major role in Virginia's ratification of that document. John marshall gibbons v ogden the request of President Adams, Marshall traveled to France in to help bring an end to attacks on American shipping. In what became known as the XYZ Affair, the government of France refused to open negotiations unless the United States agreed to pay bribes. He was appointed secretary of state in after a cabinet shake-up, link an important figure in the Adams administration. InAdams appointed Marshall to the Supreme Court.

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Marshall quickly emerged as the key figure on the court, due in large part to his personal influence with the other justices. Under his leadership, the court moved away from seriatim opinions, instead gibbbons a single majority opinion that elucidated a clear rule. The case of Marbury v. Madison presented the first major case heard by the Marshall Court.

In his opinion for the court, Marshall upheld the principle of source review, whereby courts could strike down federal and state laws if they conflicted with the Constitution.

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Marshall's holding matshall direct conflict with the executive branch, which was led by Democratic-Republican President Thomas Jefferson. By establishing the principle of judicial review while avoiding an inter-branch confrontation, Marshall helped implement the ideology of separation of powers and cement the position of the American judiciary as an independent and co-equal branch of government.

john marshall gibbons v ogden

Aftermany of the major decisions issued by the Marshall Court confirmed the supremacy of the federal government and the federal Constitution over the states. In Fletcher v.

john marshall gibbons v ogden

Peck and Dartmouth College v. Woodward, the court invalidated state actions because they violated the Contract Clause. The court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland upheld the constitutionality of the Second Bank of the United States and established the principle that the states could not tax federal institutions. The cases of Martin v. Ogdsn Lessee and Cohens v.]

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