Journal of health psychology -

Journal of health psychology

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This article strives to invigorate organizational research on obesity by collecting, cataloging, integrating, and extending the disparate research streams that have explored the workplace consequences of obesity. This paper explores how LinkedIn affects job search efforts. Despite its widespread use, the authors show how the increased use of LinkedIn leads users to feel emotionally exhausted, less confident in their job search ability, and ultimately less successful in obtaining a job. They discuss ways to protect oneself from the negative potential of using LinkedIn for job search. It is not an official website for the Journal of Applied Psychology, but rather an effort to increase the impact of applied psychology research and serve as a "one stop shopping" resource. Rucks and his wife, Catherine, has aided the department in securing faculty who are repeatedly recognized for their research and has supported student-affiliated organizations in achieving top honors nationally. For more information, visit our home page or call journal of health psychology

Cult members scored significantly lower than the control group in the total score of the interpersonal trust, self-flexibility dimension and self-rated health. Dengfeng, In this paper, the cult member refers to joining cult group and its activities, at the same time with psychological function degradation.

journal of health psychology

China is currently in the period of social transition and prominent contra-dictions, some cult groups take the opportunity to disturb social public order. The 63 cult members, with the average age of 50, composed by 21 males and 42 females. Regarding the degree of education, 14 were primary education, 16 were junior middle school education, 23 were high school education, 3 were junior college education and 7 had college education. Control groups: this study recruited 69 normal persons in the same conditions as gender, age, and education. Journal of health psychology of them fulfilled the inclusion criteria: a They had never been exposed to worship activities. Evaluation personnel included professor of psychology and psychological counseling professional graduate students, according to the experimental design unified instructions, on-site recycling questionnaire.

No data loss. It has 25 items, with five-point score.

Psychological distress as a predictor of quality of life among selected Filipino school personnel

Total score ranged from 25 to points. A higher score showed a higher degree of interpersonal trust. The split-half reliability of the scale was 0. The preparation of self harmonious scale. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1page Xu, : This scale, proposed by Dengfeng Wang, was divided into three dimensions including the disharmony of self and psychologyy, the self-flexibility and the self-stiffness.

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It has items, with five-point score. A higher score indicated a low self-consistency and congruence. The internal consistency coefficients of three sub-scales were 0. Lijing and Minsu, : This scale included 48 items and was divided into three dimensions of physical, mental and social health. A higher score showed better health.

The test-retest reliability of the scale was 0. The first 20 items were entitled the journal of health psychology anxiety inventory S-ALwhich assessed a particular time or a particular context of fear, nervous, anxiety and other emotional experience. The other 20 items were entitled the trait anxiety inventory T-ALwhich assessed habitual anxiety experience among people. The retest reliability of the S-AL scale was 0. The retest reliability of the T-AL scale was 0. RESULTS The analysis of differences in interpersonal trust between cult group and control group The mean level of johrnal trust for the cult group was The analysis of the differences in self-consistency and congruence between cult group and control group Table 1 showed that there were significant differences between cult group and control group in self and experience disharmony and self-flexibility, whereas psychoology significant difference in self-stiffness.

The analysis of the differences in self-rated health between cult journal of health psychology and control group Table 2 showed that cult group scored significantly lower than the control group, and there were significant difference between the two groups.

journal of health psychology

The analysis of the differences in anxiety between cult group and control group The healt level of trait-anxiety for the cult group was Results journal of health psychology that trait anxiety and self and experience disharmony could significantly predict mental health, with the joint explained variance of Trait anxiety could significantly predict self-rated health, explaining Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,page Rodriguez, With closed worship activities and isolated from social life for a long term, cult members lack of certain social support system, then they could only look read article interpersonal identity and support within the worship group, over the past three decades, the influence and importance of social support has been well documented and the findings have suggested a closed relationship with mental and physical health and social functioning Moosa MYH, Jonsson G, Jeenah FY, Michael J.]

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