Key differences between the juvenile and adult systems -

Key differences between the juvenile and adult systems Video


Key differences between the juvenile and adult systems - think

This memoir is a brief history of the founding of the Conference on Comparative Cognition and the Comparative Cognition Society. The text represents the best recollections of the authors, who together founded the Conference. In the s, Ron Weisman visited Melbourne, Florida, regularly to enjoy the warm weather in March and to visit friends at Florida Tech. Over time, he began thinking about sharing the Melbourne experience with other comparative cognition scientists. He discussed the idea with Mark Bouton, Marcia Spetch, and Ed Wasserman in the late s: it is probably no accident that all four taught on campuses that experience harsh winters. By the early s, the group began planning the meetings in earnest. The steering committee began meeting as a group and in pairs over the next few years to plan the conference. Suzy Bouton did the wonderful logo. The committee discussed the lengths of the talks 5, 10, and 20 minutes. Graduate students were allowed to present these brief talks from the beginning, and faculty members were encouraged to do likewise. Key differences between the juvenile and adult systems key differences between the juvenile and adult systems

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Causes of secondary sexual dimorphism SSD in dioecious plants are juvenilf poorly understood, especially in woody plants. SSD is shown mainly in mature plants, but little is known about whether secondary sexual dimorphism can occur in juveniles. It is also assumed that stress conditions intensify differences between the sexes due to the uneven reproductive effort. Therefore, the following research hypotheses were tested: 1 secondary sexual dimorphism will be visible in juveniles; 2 unfavourable soil conditions are the cause of more pronounced differences between the sexes.

Rooted shoots of the common yew Taxus baccata L. During two growing seasons vegetation periods and four times a year, comprehensive morphological features of whole plants were measured.

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Some SSD traits were visible in the analysed juveniles. Contrary to expectations, differences were more pronounced in the fertilized treatment. Both species reacted to fertilization in different ways. Female yew had a clearly higher total plant mass, root mass, and mean root area when fertilized, whereas male juniper had a higher root mass when fertilized.


Differences between the sexes independent of the fertilization treatment were seen, which can be interpreted as sexual adaptations to a continued reproduction. Female yews and male junipers made better use of fertile habitats. Our study beween that SSD may be innate, and sexual compensatory mechanisms could generate uneven growth and development of both sexes.

key differences between the juvenile and adult systems

Because the SSD pattern was rather different in both species, it was confirmed that SSD is connected with the specific life histories of specific species rather than a difrerences strategy of dioecious species. Genders of dioecious plants with separate male and female individuals may have different resource allocation due to their different sexual functions.


key differences between the juvenile and adult systems

The consequence is secondary sexual dimorphism SSD observed in many dioecious species. SSD is often noted in trees, probably due to their longevity and, in contrast systsms herbaceous species, they grow and reproduce at the same time Koenig and Knops ; Obeso Resources thus have to be allocated in parallel to growth, maintenance including defence and reproduction Geber et al.

SSD can be expressed as differences in the growth rate of woody species. However, this is not always clear cut since there are also studies indicating a higher growth rate of female individuals Xu et al.

key differences between the juvenile and adult systems

Most often, SSD is treated as a consequence of sex-specific differences in reproductive effort Delph and Meagherhowever, there are reports that some differences may appear before the organisms reach sexual maturity Nicotra These reports are not many, especially in perennial plants, because it is often difficult to fifferences determine the sex of individuals, until they produce flowers or strobili Gehring and Linhart Therefore, SSD may be the result of differences in gender requirements in relation to resources Barrett and Hough In response to resource availability, different genders may have specific compensatory mechanisms Ueno et al.]

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