Melting pot is a term for: -

Melting pot is a term for: melting pot is a term for:.

America is the "great Melting Pot". From an early age every "American" is taught that America contains a mixture of the world 's cultures in a perfectly blended mixture.

America Is The Great Melting Pot

We honor and respect all cultures and invite them to bring their customs here to the United States. But do we really?

melting pot is a term for:

Take for instance, the Hmong refugees who involuntarily moved to America. Cultural Assimilation seemed to be forced down the refugees throats. Keeping their native customs was looked on with horror and disgust. America the great melting pot. Some have argued that the melting pot analogy is inaccurate. Instead America is like a tossed salad. A person can see all the individual ingredients that make up the salad.

Essays Related To “The Melting Pot” is an Outdated Image of America

People forr: argue of what can go into a salad and what cannot go into just as people will argue about the place of certain groups with America. Some find disgust in certain groups of people and praise other. The situation is dynamic. The way people interact with groups are constantly changing and. The term melting pot suggests that immigrants should assimilate into American culture.

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America: Melting Pot vs. Salad Bowl Multiculturalism is also known as ethnic diversity relating to communities containing multiple cultures. The term is used in two different broad ways, descriptively and normatively. By using the descriptive term, we usually refer to the simple fact of cultural diversity. This can be applied to the demographic make-up of a specific place and sometimes at the organizational level such as schools, neighborhoods or nations.

melting pot is a term for:

The normative term is often referred to. Zionism is the Jewish liberation movement Wikipedia, It was a hit. The great American melting pot. The United States of America truly is a melting pot of peoples and cultures from all different countries around the globe.]

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