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Born years ago, Modern day heros Bonifacio lived for just a moderrn more than three decades, and yet this great revolutionary leader who rose to lead great throngs of brave warriors to demolish Spanish colonialism in the Philippines continue to inspire many generations of Filipinos in their struggle for national democracy. More than a century after the withdrawal of Spanish forces, the age old troubles of poverty and oppression continue to grip millions of Filipinos.

modern day heros

The heinous molar heat capacity of of Emilio Aguinaldo has been recurrently embodied by puppet presidents from one US-controlled regime to another. The Duterte regime is a perfect epitome of this Aguinaldo type of treason detested ueros the Filipino masses. It abominably presides over the gang rape of our country by emergent and established imperialist powers like China and the US. Itching to offer his Build, Build, Build program to China, Duterte dragged the Philippines into dirty deals with big Chinese corporations.

At the cost of our territorial integrity and energy security, a joint exploration deal was likewise laid down eyeing the exploitation of the rich gas reserves in the West Philippine Sea. As the country descends into the sinking sands of debt burdens brought about by corrupt neoliberal policies, OFWs will bear the brunt of numerous and exorbitant state exactions like the mandatory insurance and SSS coverage.

Under these excruciating neoliberal policies, there is no way that Filipinos will be able to get rid of their economic hardships. Furthermore, the influx of foreign modern day heros from China is a slap in the face of millions of OFWs who left their homeland due to the worsening poverty and unresolved issue of unemployment. This proves that debt-driven foreign investment modren infrastructure neither translates to job generation for Filipinos nor does modern day heros improve working conditions. They modern day heros been falsely charged of heeros minors when in fact, they were only rescuing school children from the AFP-trained terrorist Alamara paramilitary group that closed down the Salugpongan community school.

4 Modern-day Filipino Heroes That Studied Abroad

This is utterly detestable considering that Imelda Marcos and other big wealthy criminals still roam freely and even enjoy parties despite their convictions. To this day, US imperialism remains the bloodiest and most destructive neocolonialist power the Philippines as manifested in its direct involvement in all aspects during the destruction of Marawi and the three-pronged war being carried out by its puppet, the US-Duterte regime.

In addition, the ever expanding presence of US troops both in our territorial lands and waters like in the West Philippine Sea grooms the Philippines into the main battleground between the US and China in the event that a modern day heros confrontation breaks out between the two rivals. All these imperialist expeditions must be vigorously opposed. We Filipinos must learn from the revolutionary modern day heros drawn out by the heroic life of Gat Andres Bonifacio.

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Casting away the colonial mentality of mendicant dependence on foreign powers, we enjoin the Filipino masses to assert our sovereignty and strengthen our democratic force through our collective struggle in unity with the oppressed peasants, workers and all exploited sectors of our society. getting rid of the US imperialist grip on modern day heros Philippines and ending the Fascist reign of its puppet Duterte regime, only then will we heris enabled as a people to freely chart our own course as a nation in the interest of the greater masses.

modern day heros

Go forth and uphold our struggle for national democracy and liberation to address the roots of forced migration through genuine agrarian reform and national industrialization. With all our might, let us terminate the Fascist reign modern day heros terror and the neoliberal attacks of the evil US-Duterte regime. News Statements References Tinig Migrante. Sign in.]

One thought on “Modern day heros

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