Nigerian ibo culture -

Nigerian ibo culture nigerian ibo culture.

Speculations that the Igbo language and culture may soon seize to exist has raised serious concern among the people. This is because owners of the language have decidedly chosen to embrace foreign language in their everyday conversation, even in the homes; a situation that tends to nigerian ibo culture the Igbo language in a retrograde state.

The implication is that the Igbo may lose their linguistic and cultural identities in the scheme of things.

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As a means of communicating values, beliefs and customs, has an important social function and nurtures feelings of group identity and unity. Language is central to cultural identity. A particular language points to the culture of a particular social group. So, it can be deduced nigerian ibo culture language is a part of the culture and through it, cultural beliefs nigrrian values can be expressed.

nigerian ibo culture

Specific usages of a given word are peculiar to a language and its relationship with culture. International Mother Language Day is celebrated every year to promote the awareness of language and cultural diversity all across the world.

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Nneka Chimezie, put the responsibility of the declining Igbo language on parents whom she accused had failed to communicate effectively with their children in their mother tongue. She, however, assured the group would not relent in its efforts in spreading the news around and telling the owners of the language to embrace their mother tongue. Igbo language is a dying language of nigerian ibo culture living people. We appeal to all Igbo to join hands in promoting the Igbo language and culture.

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To save the Igbo language from extinction, Mrs. Chimezie said programmes had been mapped out to salvage the situation. According to her, the group is looking at offering scholarships to anyone who wants to study the Igbo language as a course in any tertiary institution.

nigerian ibo culture

This, she said, would enable them to have enough teachers to teach the language. She spoke of working with the committee set up by the Alaigbo Development Forum ADF to sensitise students, especially in the Southeast, to the need of speaking their mother tongue.

nigerian ibo culture

Evening schools would be established to teach the language, she added. The group distributed books and other gift items to students as a way of encouraging them. According to him, the move has afforded some children the opportunity to know their origin. Chukwu said Ekwe Kuo Ama Agbaa had been unveiled to also serve as a document to help the Igbo, especially the younger ones, nigerian ibo culture to read and write their mother tongue. Chukwu said the newspaper would be used effectively to communicate and pass this message across to all Cultuee, including those in the Diaspora.

The Secretary of the Alaigbo Development Foundation, Emmanuel Ifeanyichukwu Mok, stressed the need for Igbo national revival nigerian ibo culture culture, economic development and social integration.


He traced the dominance of foreign culture, including way of worship to the belief system adopted by the Igbo. Our language is as forward-thinking and developed; in fact, in nigerian ibo culture ways more expressive. Mok urged Ndigbo wherever they lived to begin to hold family, community, and town as well as street meetings to discuss the way forward for the Igbo.]

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