Northern middle and southern colonies -

Northern middle and southern colonies - for that

Colonists were steadily progressing in developing fundamental structures to have a successful society. Economic structure in each region took some time to be revised, refined, and be effective to allow growth along with expansion of society. Natural resources in each region were discovered to grow and harvest for profit. There were different measures taken when it pertains to which type of workers were utilized in each region. This also lead to population diversity and social class. As colonies discovered their economic infrastructure, it solidified their future growth for prosperity. The colonies had different resources and goods to farm for profit. northern middle and southern colonies. Northern middle and southern colonies

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Queen Elizabeth helped drive the colonization of Jamestown in and ultimately the creation of other Southern colonies to help Britain's economy flourish.

Whales and Hunting

When the Pilgrims sailed the Mayflower inan error in navigation led them far north to New England, rather than the South. A second wave of Puritans led to the formation of the Massachusetts Bay colony and the growth of other Northern colonies. While the early settlers were all looking for new experiences, different types of people populated the Northern and Southern colonies. Although the two regions in the 17th and 18th centuries may appear to be similar on the surface, there are many obvious differences in economy, treatment of Natives, and stability, stemming from the reasons they were founded in the first place.

northern middle and southern colonies

The Middle and Northern colonies differed considerably in their geographical aspects, leading to dissimilar social and political features. The Middle coloniesincluding New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware all shared the benefit of flat land and rich soil, while the New England Colonies were left with a rocky landscape that made farming difficult.

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They developed a large shipbuilding industry, and due to the abundance fish such as cod, their fishing industry grew as well.

The Puritan religion was a major influence in the way of life and it affected the way they governed. The difference in the geography affects the way the Middle and Northern Northern middle and southern colonies were able to thrive economically and socially, and the way they governed their people. The soil was rich and fertile, better than the New England Coloniesand the area had a mild climate with warm summers and cold winters. Education was less From the establishment of the coloniesstarting with the founding of Jamestown, until the beginning of the Revolutionary War, different regions of the eastern coast were marked by distinct attributes. Once established, the thirteen British colonies could be divided into three geographic areas: New England, Middleand Southern. Each of these had specific developments that were unique to the regions.

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Though there were many similarities in the development of the New England, Middle and Southern Coloniesthey were very different: politically, socially, and economically. The three colonies all had comparable similarities, as they were all democratic. But they ran their democratic government in different ways.

northern middle and southern colonies

For instance, the Middle Colonies had their government and church separated. The New England Colonieshowever, were a Theocracy, which meant that the church controlled the government. The Southern Colonies had the least autonomy since they were an Oligarchy. This northern middle and southern colonies that the wealthy plantation owners controlled the government because they were the only people who could manage to pay for all their own expenses. Even though the three colonies were all self-ruled, they all had distinguishing features. Although a majority of the colonists were from England, socially the An influx of immigrants came to America in the 17th century were English, but there were also Dutch, Swedes and Germans in the middle region, a few French Huguenots in South Carolina and elsewhere, slaves from Africa, mainly in the South, and a scattering of Spaniards, Italians and Portuguese all through the colonies.

They had northwest coast american and sought after religious freedom, economic growth and better government. The northern and southern colonies were recognized for different purposes, were populated by different groups of people and had different economic bases. In the south, which consists of Northern middle and southern colonies Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland and Virginia, the economy was based on plantations and what that plantation grew.

northern middle and southern colonies

The cash crop for the south was Tobacco, it made a lot of money for the people who grew it and there was a great demand for it in England. The south needed to produce more products to make more money, so in order to do that they needed more land. It was also much easier to grow crops in the south because of the warm climate.]

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