Pet rescue report -

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Sherri had been packing up to go camping when she let her two dogs out into the backyard. Shortly after, she noticed that Sheba was missing. Her other dog was still there. According to Global News , not only did Sherri put up lost dog posters across the area, she hired a professional pet finder who used bloodhounds to try and track Sheba. Sadly, Sheba was no where to be found. As Sherri slowly tried to accept the loss of her beloved dog, who she has been with since Sheba was just a puppy, what can only be described as a miracle, Sherri received a call from a woman, Nicole Lunde, and her boyfriend, Carl Martinez who said they had found the dog. The two had taken a drive on Saturday night to Crescent Beach in South Surrey to watch the sunset, however decided at the last minute to avoid the crowds and went to a nearby park. When they approached, Sheba was very calm. Carl carried her out of the area, and when they reached their car, they spied the nearby missing dog poster of Sheba.

Pet rescue report Video

Pet Rescue - Rescuing the dog that was crushed by a banana tree and sadly it was too late pet rescue report. Pet rescue report

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April 16, Heat lamps Propane heaters Electric heaters Propane gas to run the heaters Extreme electric bill Kennel supplies — Water jugs to go get water when the water was cut off in our area, buckets to pet rescue report the water, blankets, straw. This grant was extremely beneficial for us to meet the extra expenses required due to the storm. We in Texas have never experienced this type of cold weather and your generosity helped us keep the animals warm and meet their basic needs despite the conditions.

pet rescue report

Rolling power outages and no water were devastating, but propane heaters, propane gas, jugs, and buckets provided just what was needed. Blankets, too, were much appreciated! Luna came to us from her owner, who was threatening to dump her in the lake if we did not take her.

pet rescue report

She had no hair and was suffering with extreme mange, but she did not deserve to die. The first photo is her intake photo. We began medicating her, but when the cold weather hit, she was especially vulnerable.

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She not only thrived, but grew her hair back and found a very special forever home third photo! Thank you for your generosity!

pet rescue report

You made a difference in so many lives! Jackson fourth photo was also a resident during these tough times. What was the money or product used for?]

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