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Medea Performance 2018 read medea online Read medea online

Child murder, worries about immigrants, and paranoia about drugs.

Medea and Her Children PDF Details

Why are the ancients so weird? Euripides says that Medea had only two. When the children were being pursued, they fled to the temple of Hera Read medea online and sheltered in the shrine. But the Korinthians did not onliine themselves even there—they slaughtered the children over the altar. Then a plague fell upon the city and many bodies were ruined by the disease.

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For this reason, even in our day, the Korinthians send seven young men and seven young women from the most illustrious families each year read medea online spend the year in the sanctuary to appease the rage of the children and the divine anger which arose because of them.

Because she feared his friends and relatives, she fled to Athens, but left her sons who were too young and incapable of accompanying here, at the altar of Hera Akraia. She thought that their father would provide for their safety. It has long been a favorite anecdote that Euripides was paid off by the Korinthians to make Medea look bad.

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Original translations of famous words from Ancient Greece and Rome View all posts by sententiaeantiquae. Skip to content Child murder, worries about immigrants, and paranoia about drugs. Like this: Like Loading Published by sententiaeantiquae.

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