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REVERSE DOWRY reverse dowry Reverse dowry

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Or perhaps, with regard to her mother, who violated a prohibition, the Sages penalized her by depriving her of her marriage contract, whereas in the case of the daughter, who did not violate a prohibition, the Sages did not penalize her. Once again the Gemara states that eowry dilemma shall stand unresolved. Since the mother has a marriage contract, as in this case the man wrote her a marriage contract after betrothing her, it reverse dowry be argued that the daughter has the right to receive sustenance. Or perhaps, since the Sages did not enact any requirement for a man to provide his wife with a marriage contract until the time of marriage, reverse dowry stipulations reverse dowry the marriage contract do not apply until then, and therefore the daughter of this woman does not rfverse the right to receive sustenance.

Again, the Gemara states that the dilemma shall stand unresolved. According to this opinion, what is the halakha? Or perhaps one should consider the following: What is the reason that the marriage contract was enacted?

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So that his wife will not be demeaned in his eyes such that he will easily divorce her. It was therefore unnecessary for the Sages to require that he provide reverse dowry woman with a marriage contract. However, the reasons for the stipulations included in a marriage contract, e. Consequently, the Sages stipulated that these provisions still be granted.

reverse dowry

Yet again the Gemara states that the dilemma shall stand unresolved. Rav Yosef taught: In my house, and not in my hovel [bikati].

'Obsession with sons'​

If there is no room for her in his house, the heirs are not obligated to allow her to stay there. However, even in this case, she has the right to receive her sustenance from the heirs.

reverse dowry

If she resides elsewhere, for whatever reason, she does not receive this payment. The Deverse comments: It may be inferred from here that if she had not agreed, even if the man had proposed marriage, she still has the right to receive sustenance. Rav Anan said: It was explained to me personally by Mar Shmuel that the halakha varies in different cases. If she said: I will not marry you due to so-and-so, my deceased husband, i. However, if she refused the because the reverse dowry who approached her are people who are unsuitable for her, she does not have the right to continue to receive sustenance, as she has shown that in principle she is willing to remarry.

However, if she engaged in licentious sexual relations she still has the right to receive sustenance from his estate. What is the reason? reverse dowry

reverse dowry

Reverse dowry evil reverse dowry forced her, i. Rather, the halakha is, in accordance with that which Rav Yehuda said that Shmuel said: One who claims the payment specified in her marriage contract reverse dowry court does not have the right to continue receiving sustenance, as she has thereby demonstrated her desire to sever her ties with her reverse dowry husband.

The Gemara infers from this baraita: In these here, yes, she forfeits her right to continue to receive sustenance. However, in the case of a widow who claims her marriage contract, no, she does not lose the right to continue to receive sustenance.

However, with regard to one who claims her marriage contract, if she issues this claim in court, yes, she loses the right to continue to receive her sustenance, but if her claim was not issued in court, no, she has not forfeited this right. Conversely, the residents of Judea would write that she may live in his house and be sustained from his estate until the heirs decide to give her the marriage contract.

Rav said that the halakha is in accordance with the custom of the residents of Judea, and Shmuel said that the halakha is in accordance with the custom of the residents of the Galilee and Jerusalem. Rav said: When she receives the payment of her marriage contract, the court appraises the clothes that are upon her and deducts their value from the payment she receives.]

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