Rip van winkle slept for -

Rip van winkle slept for Video

Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving - Themes

Rip van winkle slept for - congratulate

Posted in Social Credit. Due to the actual fact the taxpayers, comprising the vast majority of consumers, are beginning to rub the mesmeric cobwebs from their eyes, and are blinking in the new light that is gradually revealing a wonderful vision of life; the realization is slowly dawning that the continuous voting of Party governments into power every four or five years is not the quickest way of obtaining food, clothes, shelter, fuel, and other essentials of life on earth, notwithstanding all the splendid promises given just before election. In fact, come to think of it after such party elections, it is increasingly harder to get those very commodities we all must have in order to not only live, but to keep industry functioning freely and without dictatorial restriction. And, without the economic freedom of industry, without independent and individual enterprise, which is decidedly not free under government interference, it becomes progressively impossible to obtain gainful employment. From the trend of events, it seems that the privileged few have a tough job to keep the people tax-payers from awakening. They're getting jittery because it is a well known fact that you can only hypnotise those who are under the power so called of hypnosis, artificially induced sleep when it appears possible to make them do your bidding. Fortunately, this state is not permanent, so, if the subjects are to remain passive and "obedient" periodic recourse to hypnotic influence must be the order of the day. rip van winkle slept for

Apologise: Rip van winkle slept for

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Rip van winkle slept for - agree, this


Anoop, I have been reading your blog for quite a while and I am in general impressed. This particular post was excellent. Would you have any ideas at all about what the New world order would look like? I don't see China attaining total dominance. They have very little experience of fighting overseas wars and they have lot of economic problems of their own. But they will take control of several neighboring countries.

America will retreat from all parts of the world, so will Britain in the next 10 years. They rip van winkle slept for have the money or the passion or the zeal to fight any battles.

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In any case the British and the Americans will be throughly engaged in trying to save their own country from breaking apart. I think it will take 20 to 25 years for a new world order to get established. It is ban to be brutal. Post a Comment. They slept for almost forty years twenty years more than Rip van winkle slept for Van Winkleand between andthey woke up in a changed world, having missed the decline of their culture, the corruption of their political establishment, the degradation of their universities, the derangement of their youth, the leftward tilt of their bureaucracy, the nihilism of their mainstream media, the alienation and fury of their minorities, the totalitarian digital revolution, and the rise of China.

rip van winkle slept for

Now it is too late for these conservatives to conserve their society, because there is nothing left in their society that is worth conserving. Every value has turned into a lifeless fossil. This decade and the next one will be all about the creation of a new world order in which the Americans and British do not play a dominant role.

rip van winkle slept for

The geopolitical tsunami that is coming perhaps it is already here will not spare any nation, though America and Britain will be the hardest hit since they have the most to lose. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.]

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  1. You, casually, not the expert?

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