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SDQ Online Worship, March 14, 2021 sdq online

On March 14, one of the strictest confinements in Europe was imposed on the citizens of Spain. The profiles of the families indicate a higher prevalence sdq online internalizing and externalizing behavior problems in children, as well as a relationship between punitive parenting in families where the parents lost their jobs due to the coronavirus disease COVID The first cases of individuals affected by the new coronavirus, COVID coronavirus diseasewere described in Wuhan Read more province of Hubei at the end of December Then, by March 11,the World Health Organization [ 1 ] had already declared the spread of this sdq online a pandemic.

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The disease spread across all continents at an unprecedented rate. The State of Alarm was decreed in Here on March 14, sdq online, with this, one of the strictest confinements in Europe was imposed on the entire country.

Sq the citizens of other countries, such as Germany or France, Spanish citizens were required to stay sdq online at all times, and only activities aimed at acquiring basic necessities or attending health or work centers were authorized. Children stopped attending school and performing all their routines and lost social contact with friends and family.


Spanish society as a whole, xdq that of many other countries, was facing a situation of isolation for the first time and experts predict that it will have repercussions sdq online mental health, such as anxiety and depression disorders, substance abuse, and domestic violence or child abuse, among others [ 2 ]. A review of previous confinement experiences in other countries also indicates that likely psychological consequences include post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, and anger [ 3 ]. In this statement, the Committee states that many children may be physically, psychologically, and emotionally affected by the confinement imposed. Research on the emotional impact of natural disasters on children indicates that they are more vulnerable than adults to trauma that sdq online their daily lives [ 5 ].

Dsq are very few studies that evaluate the psychological impact that this confinement situation is having on children, but some experts suggest effects at different levels such as concentration difficulties, boredom, irritability, lack of rest, nervousness, sdq online of loneliness, restlessness, and worries [ 6 ]. Some recent research underlines how the increase of parental stress or parental burnout due to the pandemic situation makes parents more likely to engage in child abuse here neglect [ 78 ].

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To these data are added those obtained by Xie et al. Likewise, Brooks et al. Also, the loss of routines can make them lose their sense of structure, predictability, and security.

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Several authors point out the negative impact of prolonged suspension sdq online academic activities on children [ 8 sdq online, 11 ]. Lee highlighted the change in routine that it entails for children, the loss of social contact, the uncertainty for those children during critical school years, such as changes in the educational cycle or loss of all secondary benefits that the school provides for children, as well as individual therapies for sxq with special educational needs [ 12 ].

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In Spain, children will go sdq online school for six months since the last stages of return to normal after confinement overlap with the start of the summer holidays. All this is added to the academic gaps that the closure of schools imply for some children, which in turn increases the inequalities of the most vulnerable.

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For the time being, studies that evaluate the psychological sdq online of the pandemic also speak of very negative consequences for the adult population. One of the first articles on the effects of confinement in China reported that more than half of respondents reported moderate or severe psychological impact and one third reported moderate or severe anxiety symptoms [ 14 ].

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Tian et al. Although some couples and families have improved their relationships quality during lockdown [ 16 ] studies warn about the risk of tension in couple relationships as a consequence of the pandemic acting as a stressor [ 17 ]. Despite the limited sdq online data, it seems evident that the combination of the psychological impact on children and on the adult population makes families one of the major sources of sdq online to this crisis.]

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