Simeon kerr -

Simeon kerr - opinion you

Buried fifty-two today. Three majors died this month. Camp is gloomy morgue. By order of Mori, each PW belongs to a ten-man shooting squad! Squad rosters posted on barrack bulletin boards. If one man in squad escapes,… Read More » 16 June simeon kerr Simeon kerr simeon kerr

Vermont Northeast Kingdom Genealogy. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, without prior written consent. Highlight keywords:. Pastors Installed Died or Dismissed Davis, Joel occasionally prior to Nichols, Ammi once a month for 3 yrs, and less regularly simeon kerr beginning in Swift, Warren acting pastor, Hulburt, Salmon preached nine months Whiting, Francis L.

Simeon kerr April Blackman, V. Oct 1, Warner, W. Jan Jan Long, J. Paige, Cyrus Newcomb, F. Kfrr, H. Howe, Alpheas Dunham, S. Sargent, J. Miller, G. H Sargent, J. Clerks Click, James Lewis, E. Miller, Mrs. Morris, Ephraim Horton, L. Messer, E. Flinn, A. Janes, R. Kingman, Matthew Miller, G. Eliza F. Higbee, E. Simon Original Member died Banister, Mrs. Artemas Original Member died Simeon kerr, Mrs. James Original Member died Morris, Mrs. Daniel P dismissed Putnam, Simeon D. Ezra L died Weston, Mrs. Daniel L died Webster, Mrs. Wyman L died Ainsworth, Mrs. Weston P died Flinn, Asa C. Asa C. George P dismissed Flinn, Mrs. Clarissa C.

Seth L dismissed Whitney, Mrs. Mary L dismissed Whitney, Mary E. Samuel P dismissed Converse, Mrs. Lucius P dismissed Turner, Mrs. Lovel P dismissed Washburn, Mrs. Sarah ,err

simeon kerr

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